Almost Born.

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The day of the babies birth is upon them, they all head to the clinic, Estefanía and Stacey are wheeled into separate rooms, Becky and Steven are outside getting hygienically cleaned and gowned up. Stephanie and Reina are already in the room with Estefanía, the doctors communicate with each other as soon as they're ready, the screens go up, the doctors start the Sections, soon they're born, two beautiful little ones, Stacey has a boy, Estefanía has a girl. Reina and Stephanie both cut the cord as does Becky and Steven. The doctors ask the parents to leave the moms to recover. Then Stacey is wheeled into Estefanías room. The babies beside them, all washed and fast asleep as are their parents. They soon come around from the anaesthesia, the pain sets in, the doctors give them some pain relief, the babies begin to wake. The deal between Stacey and Estefanía was that they fed each other's babies for the first few days, then they would intermittently feed the babies. It was their way of having them recognise that both of them were their parents. Then they wait until they're released and the all the families are together to pick the babies names. Stacey and her wife are released from the clinic, they go home. They chose to go to Reina's and Stephanie's house for the first couple of weeks, soon the whole families are there.

Everyone is fawning over the little ones, Stephanie can't keep her ears off the baby monitors when no one is around, she tells Reina she loves the sound they make while asleep and how much she loves the smell of their skin. They all get together to wet the babies heads and Stacey and Estefanía announce their babies names, their names are Regina and Roberto, they all love the names. Stacey and Estefanía have one glass of champagne due to breastfeeding. The rest get really drunk, then they decide to have a formal day in Reclaim, they decided that they're not having a christening as their parents want, they're having a naming ceremony instead. They're going to have it at Reclaim. The couple ask for a shaman to perform it, they don't want the babies to have to go through what they did, communion, confirmation etc, especially since they don't believe in God. Estefanía books Reclaim for three weeks time, it gives the couple enough time to get on their feet and find clothes to wear for the babies special day. Reina and Stephanie take them shopping in Marbella for outfits for them, the couple and the babies. The babies are with them, they need feeding, they go to a nice little restaurant near the mall, the couple get funny looks and Stacey states, "haven't you seen a pair of tits before?" Stephanie laughs, then says, "go girl, you tell them." The people looking, looked away. They feed the babies, have some food and head home. They have a lot to prepare in three weeks. They have to register the babies, they're six days old, they need registration soon. They head to the civil registry office as soon as they come back from the mall. They all head home, they come home to the twins preparing the babies clothes, washing their sheets. They're really hands on aunties.

The day of the naming ceremony has arrived, the shaman says some words and they all start on the alcohol, Stephanie can't drink like she used to, the medication that Reina is slipping her, is making her stop drinking very quickly. This is a good thing as Stephanie can't hold her liquor. Stephanie is on fizzy water, Reina had slipped her medication into the water as soon as she picked it up from the bar. While Reina was at the bar, she finds the vials of medication, she asks Reina what they're for? Reina tries to come up with an excuse but Stephanie has seen the name before, she can't remember where, but as soon as she gets home she Google's it. Stephanie confronts Reina asking her if she's drugging her? Reina breaks down and tells her, Abi noticed some mental disturbances in her, that this medication might help? Stephanie screams, "what has that bitch said she saw in me?" Reina is trying to calm her, telling her, she said you're a sociopath. Stephanie says, "no, you mean you told her I killed Eduardo?" Reina is saying, "I didn't tell her it was you, I told her it was me, but you have to admit Stephanie, you're changed. You hardly went near the girls when they were pregnant, you didn't care about becoming a grandmother, then the medication kicked in and you became the woman I fell in love with all those years ago. So please baby continue with the medication." Stephanie is furious, then she calms down, she says, "all you had to say what she said and I would've went to the doctors." Reina asks, "so, are you going to continue with the medication?" Stephanie pauses for a moment and says, "of course, I'll do anything to make you happy?" Reina replies, "then, you'll be happy if i administer it?" Stephanie replies, "yes, just keep adding it like you always have?" Reina begins to cry and says, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, or make you mistrust me, I thought I was helping you. I don't ever want to lose you baby." Stephanie says, "I have to say this, please don't ever keep anything from me again." Reina says, "I won't baby, I won't." Stephanie thinks to herself that she will confront Abigail.

The next day, Stephanie has her coffee with Reina, she tells her she needs to go into town for some office supplies. Reina says, "ok baby, I hope that when you get back, you know we have the house to ourselves. We have some catching up to do? All this crying has kept us awake." Stephanie says, "you're right honey, the babies have kept us up, we can't lose each other." The couple kiss, Stephanie leaves and Reina goes to the office. Stephanie pulls up outside the clinic noticing that Abi's car isn't there. Stephanie drives to her house, she's home alone. Stephanie opens the back patio door, Abi is in the shower, Stephanie waits in the kitchen holding a huge knife under the table. Abi jumps when she walks into the kitchen, she asks, "how did you get in?" Stephanie says, "you should keep your door locked, I could've been a rapist or a murderer." Abi says, "I guess you know that I had Reina spike your drink and food?" Stephanie nods as if saying yes. Abi says, "can we talk?" Stephanie says, "what do you think I'm here for? To murder you? Like you think I murdered Eduardo?" Abi says, "well, you are holding a knife under the table, put the knife back and we'll talk?" Stephanie says she will. Abi says, "I'm calling the police." Stephanie laughs, "call them, I'll have your medical license revoked, you're prescribing medication to a patient not under your care illegally." Abi says, "ok, ok. I'm sorry, but I did believe you killed Eduardo until Reina told me it was her." Stephanie surprises her, "I did kill him, the man was a beast. You already know all of this, so here's the deal, this goes to the police, I'll be back here, not with a knife or conversation, but with a gun or perhaps arsenic?" Abi says, "I know, listen it's not going any further. I know the bastard would've got off, with his wealth and connections. I also want you to continue that medication, then I'll be sure that family is safe?" Stephanie says, "ok, that's the deal. However you renege on it, it's over and I'll keep my promise." Stephanie leaves and Abi is shaken. Abi calls Reina and tells her what's happened. Reina tells her she'll get Steph under control.

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