It Was All Part Of The Plan.

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Stephanie, Reina and the girls travel back home, they ask Estefania is she ready to come home, she tells her mom that she's already asked her grandparents to send her belongings, she's ready to move back in and go back to school. Reina is over the moon, she finally has all her girls under one roof. Stephanie asks Reina while they're in bed will the recent revelations come between them? Reina says sternly, "Steph, I fully understand why you did what you did, but I urge you never to mention it again, otherwise I'll never trust you. You must be truthful with me from this moment on." Stephanie looks at her and explains to her the plan she concocted before leaving Ireland. Reina was shocked, she says, "so, you tried to commit suicide and couldn't get over me, that you came here to drive a wedge between Eduardo and I? In the hopes I would end up yours?" Stephanie says, "well, that was the plan, I didn't want to kill Eduardo, the fact he raised his voice to you, drove me to take drastic measures. Had he not who knows, he might still be alive? However he had a very disgusting hobby, maybe one day it would've caught up to him and he would've ended up in jail?" Reina explains, "I too had a plan, although not knowing the darkness in his life, I knew about the other stuff. I was planning on divorcing him. I'm just glad he never changed his will at any point, otherwise Marcus and Helena would own everything. I would've ended up in your bed anyway."

The police finally sent the report as they could find no actual evidence of foul play from the family, they knew he was murdered but they had no evidence on who did it. They do suspect that he was involved with dangerous people, the sort of people that run child abuse rings, usually have hitmen on their payrolls and if Eduardo was seen as a threat, they would've minimised that threat. We believe he was targeted, dumped and that's all we have at this moment. The case will remain unsolved until new evidence comes to light. This was a relief for Stephanie and Reina, they could finally get on with their lives. Reina started working on the family business, it was finally booming, Reina bought her ex in laws out. Reina gave Stephanie shares in the business, she became CEO, Reina shadowed her until she got the hang of it. Then Reina took Eduardos part of meeting clients, she met with every client, who in turn were his ex lovers. They looked really sad that he was dead, they couldn't believe that Reina had moved on so quickly. They invited Stephanie to dinners as Reina's plus one. They saw how happy she was, it was of Eduardo never existed.

At one dinner she was invited a woman approached her, she asked her, "did you ever find out your husband's secrets?" Reina quips, "that he shagged half the women in this room?" The woman was taken aback she says, "no, I don't mean that, I mean his sick obsession with child abuse and cruelty?" Reina asks her how did she know? The woman named Ines replies, "he sent my husband some of the images, we deleted them. We confronted him about it, he claimed he was sent them in a link and he opened the link accidentally. He then sent it to his entire male address list, my husband being one. We sent the images to police, but the Panamanian police weren't interested. I'm sure you don't want to hear this, but I'm glad he's dead." Ines didn't know that Reina was recording her, this would help if they ever opened the case again. It would give a motive, taking them away from Stephanie and now her since she's now become an accessory after the fact. Reina will do all she can to keep her new family in tact.

Stephanie and Reina rented an apartment near the hotel where the meetings took place. They walked back, arm in arm, feeling for the first time like an actual couple. They get into the apartment and Stephanie had staff place Reina's favourite flowers, her favourite wine and oysters ready for her. Stephanie runs a bath, they both undress and get into the bath, they make love in the bath, they get out and eat the oysters, pour glasses of wine and fall into the four poster bed and make love over and over. They only have a few days here, they fly home to the girls, who can't wait to see them. It's Stephanie's birthday, she walks into the house and the girls are singing happy birthday in Spanish, Stephanie sees a cake, gifts and her brother and sister Martin and Rachael, whom she hasn't seen or spoken with in months. Stephanie is happy to see her brother and sister, they were wondering why now they were here? Apparently Estefania called them to organise a get together. Stephanie asked about her mother and if her father was still alive? "He's is barely hanging on, he barely recognises anyone, not even mum. Speaking of mum, Steph, you haven't called her in months, she's worried, she even thought you were in a spanish asylum." Answers Rachael. Stephanie asks, "how's my nieces and nephews?" Martin and Rachael say, "they're doing great, passing their exams, they miss you too, an odd email or FaceTime wouldn't go amiss, I see you sport an iPhone. Please give them a call when you can." Rachael pulls Stephanie aside when no one was looking and asks, "are you and Reina together?" Stephanie snaps, "and what if we are, sis?" Rachael says, "woah, I only asked. It wouldn't matter to any of us, all we care about is, that you're well and that you're happy. By the looks of things you're doing well and you do look genuinely happy for once." Stephanie replies, "I am sis, I finally have the woman, I've loved all my life back." Rachael smiles and says "good, keep her well, she is a great woman and those girls of hers are beautiful. Work hard on family life, it's no picnic as I'm sure you already know." Martin jumps in, "we've moved dad from Ballycastle to Belfast, the county wouldn't pay for dad in the care home, besides it's a good thing, our cousins and aunts can visit when we can't, we've still stayed in Ballycastle." Reina sighs, "oh how I miss there, I'll bring the girls over, we have the whole summer to plan things, the first thing is to visit Ballycastle and then to Belfast to see your parents, if that's ok with you guys?" Rachael and Martin say, "Reina, you can stay in mum and dads house, it's not on the market yet, we don't know what to do with it, as mum is with Rachael, but it'll definitely be free the entire summer, please come over." Reina replies, " that would be wonderful, thank you both." They get on with the celebrations, not once was Eduardo mentioned, Estefania begged them not to mention him, she didn't want the day spoiled with bad memories.

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