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3rd POV

It was a normal day just like any other. The class of 21 students roaming through the class A dorms as if everything was perfectly normal. Everyone's phone dinged but 2; the one that sent the message and the one who kept their phone on silent. 

Midoriya chuckled and pulled out his phone anyway knowing it was probably something in the group chat. Most everyone used their hero name as their username, well everyone but Bakugo. He used his first choice for a hero name, the one that was rejected. 

King Murder Explotion: Oi Nerd. It's time...

Deku could feel his heart drop. Of course it was time. He knew it was coming all week having packed all of his things and sent them home, claiming he was wanting to paint his dorm room... It was time. 

Deku: I'm ready...

A few of their classmates groaned expecting them to fight again but several just looked at the green haired boy confused when nothing else was sent. 

"That's odd, he didn't send that in all caps or use any profanity at all." Iida muttered to himself, but several of their classmates, confused, pulled their phones out again to check for themselves. 

"Maybe he is half asleep?" Kirishima asked while shrugging, and got a few mutters of agreement, everyone knew Bakugo went to bed by 8 every night.

Deku heard what they were saying but chose to ignore it. None of them understood, but then again how could they? It's not like either Kacchan or himself ever told anyone. It would be a disaster if they ever did. 

Instead he quietly made his way to the elevator and pushed the button for his floor, he walked into his room and set out the letter by his bed in his room. Kacchan's room was equally bare but he used the excuse that he was tired of his shit getting destroyed every time a villain attacked so he sent it all back home. 

He checked his room one last time putting a small package in his pocket before closing the door one last time. 

He felt his phone vibrate again and pulled it out. 

King Explosion Murder: Nerd you don't have to come, you know that?

Deku could hear the frantic voices of his classmates downstairs and saw the now full text forum asking if Bakugo was sick or hit by some kind of personality changing quirk. But both boys ignored their friends' concerns. 

Deku: I know, but I want to. You can't stop me from following you. Not now, not ever.

Again the chat filled with comments from their classmates but again they went ignored. 

King Explosion Murder: ... Okay...

The chat froze, No one knew what to say to that. Katsuki Bakugo was talking, not screaming or cursing, to the boy he claimed to hate with every fiber of his being. Now that they thought about it he seemed to be being nice about it too. Several minutes pass by with the same question on their classmates minds; what is going on? 

Deku: I'm here, let's get set up before we share the link with everyone. 

More silence but now the students looked at one another in shock. By now they had all taken a seat in the common room either on couches or chairs, they were chatting happily and goofing off but all of a sudden they each had a chill run down their spines; dread.

Ingenium: @Eraserhead ...

This was followed by the rest of the class doing the same thing with the exception of the two boys that everyone was so concerned about. 

Eraserhead: What now problem children?

Ingenium: Sir, please back read.

The class A common room could not have been more silent, as everyone stared at their screens, the minutes ticking by.

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