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Aizawa's POV
When the two 'girls' came down they were dressed in the UA girl's uniform and I nearly choked on my coffee. Are they wearing prosthetic breasts? I rub my face and groan.

"Tell me you're not going to school wearing that?" I am just begging to die at this point, I mean are they trying to kill me?

"We have to wear the uniform, it was already approved by 'god' and everyone else. It won't cause you any trouble, we are not actually joining your class," One answers while flipping her silver hair over her shoulder as if she had been doing it her whole life.

"Yeah it's just for today," Two answered, twirling a strand of her bright red curly hair around her finger.

"I really didn't give either of you the credit you deserved for undercover work but," I hesitate saying this but I have to ask "Are you actually wearing fake breasts for this? I'm sure we can find something smaller..." I look up and see both of them bright red and trying to cover themselves.

"It's a fucking bra you perv! We are not wearing breasts!" Is Two actually starting to cry? Wait they are only wearing a bra, no filling?

"You didn't put anything in the bra?" I asked to clarify and they both shook their heads no. I think the world is ending. Two men have boobs that big just by wearing a bra?

"It's too early for this shit. Let's go," I turn and they follow me, grabbing their purses and a muffin that I motioned at before heading to the front door. Dear All Might help me.


I walked into the class and motioned for Todoroki to turn the video off which he did while looking slightly confused. Once I had everyone's attention I made the announcement:

"So today we have two guests who may be coming periodically throughout the next few months and we can't really let them see..." I motion towards the TV and a few people nod understanding. But I also see a couple people start to panic so I quickly add, "They will either be standing or roaming the class they will not have a seat." This of course relaxes those students that were starting to panic.

"Girls, come introduce yourselves," I motion towards the door before taking my own seat at my desk.

They walked in and everyone immediately straightened up their eyes wide. Both girls were very curvy and while wearing brightly colored heels.

"Hi I'm Molly!" One introduced herself with her hands behind her back as her silvery hair drifted forward again making her straighten again and tuck her hair behind her ear and push it back again. "I am actually Uncle Shota's niece from across the country but he thinks I am goofy for bragging about it!" She added giving what can only be described as her biggest smile. Her green eyes seemed to flash and giggled. "My quirk is seeing your secrets."

Why the fuck did she say that? I mean sure she can't use her actual quirk but still.

"My turn," Two jumped next to One while waving a hand in the air like a child. "My name is Brenda and Uncle Shota still loves me best." She stuck her tongue out at Molly before smiling at the class and going on, "My quirk lets me relax certain people," she coughed loudly before winking at me. "Oh and I can do something else too, but I'm not allowed to do it without permission."

They both gave a slight bow to the class and walked to my desk where I was lightly thumping my head against the surface. "Uncle Shota?" I heard them ask at the same time.

"Just kill me now," I groaned, refusing to stop the thumping. I look up at my class, "Ask your questions now." I returned to thumping my forehead on my desk. God, be it the actual God or their commander, must truly hate me.

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