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Aizawa's POV
It's 3 pm when One and Two finally show up at my door. They look like an utter mess and several years too young. I had seen the same little light brown skinned boy with straight green hair and red eyes before but now he was with a little girl with matching light brown skin with pink curly hair and green eyes.

"Why are you two so late?" I eyed them suspiciously, it is a cooler day but they are both wearing thin long sleeves and pants. Are they wearing makeup?

"Uncle Shota there are some things you don't want to know the answer to," the little girl answered a little too happily. The boy just nodded and I could see him blushing a little before turning away.

"Just... Fine. Whatever we needed to go I promised Mrs. Midoriya that I would be there soon and that I would have two small children with me. I see their smiles freeze and their eyes widen. Oh, I guess they didn't know about all of that. I did manage to get them to come over a day early but still.

"We only have five hours before we grow up again," Two answered slowly.

"That should be more than enough time. What do I call you when you are this size?" I just start dragging them both into the car and once we are all buckled and I have the car moving is when they decide to answer me.

"Uncle Hizashi was too loud for me to be anything but Zumi," Two answered before looking at One and smiling. "But her name should be Angel because she is one." I look into the rear view mirror and see him grinning at the heavily blushing girl. I then realised why they were being so cute when 'Zumi' picked up 'Angel's' hand and held it.

"Please tell me that you two did not do what I think you did," I let the groan out before parking and looking back at them.

"Today is my 18th birthday, but otherwise I wouldn't know what you are talking about.I let my head hit the steering wheel. In other words, yes they decided that now was the perfect time to do that.

"Let's just go inside. Angel, today is your 8th birthday. Do you hear me?" I looked at the pink haired little girl and she nodded happily. "Good," I help them out and we walk to the front door knocking.

Mrs. Midoriya answered the door quick enough to have been standing behind it. "Sorry we were late. My cousin was running late. These are her children Angel and Zumi. I hope you don't mind me bringing them?" I asked, nervous.

"Not at all the more the merrier!" She bent down and introduced herself to them. "You can call me Aunty Inko okay?" They nodded but Angel hid a little behind Zumi while holding his hand. I wonder if that is a part of their character or not?

"Now there will be a lot of older kids here. Can you be brave for me?" She whispered like it was a top secret mission and both kids giggled. I'll take that as a part of their character then.

She showed them the way inside and I saw my 19 students and my fellow teachers including my husband. My husband saw the little boy from the other day and gave me a curious look before coming over to greet them.

"Hello little listeners! I haven't seen you in soooo long!" Making both kids giggle and run to him squealing "Uncle Hizashi!"

"Have you actually shrunk? I could have sworn you were taller than me before?" He asked, laughing. I saw them flinch but they covered it well by jumping into his arms. They gave him hugs and kisses like good children and he put them down and they ran off.

They surprised my students who just looked relieved to have them there distracting them.

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa, bringing those kids really made a world of difference," I looked over to see the green haired woman tearing up a little but she kept herself together for her guest.

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