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Aizawa's POV
I was grading papers if you could even call it that at this point. Really I was just reading them and marking them each with 100 before moving on again. The girls still haven't come home yet and they have been gone since Thursday. Nezu tells me that they are fine but that didn't keep me from worrying. Then Vlad King marched into my classroom again.

"Last I checked this is my classroom not yours," I let out a sigh before taking a drink of my coffee, my eyes never leaving the test in front of me.

"Right because all of your students are such scholars you can do your work in the classroom while all the other teachers including myself can't. You should really share your teaching methods with us," his tone was dry and unamused.

I simply ignored him, opting to finish with the stack of papers in front of me. To his credit he did wait for me to finish another three before getting angry watching me write 100 on each of them. He grabbed the next one cursing that I was just giving my students a free pass because how could they all actually be getting perfect scores? He frowned, grabbing another and another.

I simply took them as he finished marking them each with a 100 then he grabbed the completed ones and read over them while I put them all into the computer. I set Momo's Iida's and Todoroki's to the side, dumping the rest into the waste bin. Before pulling out the assignments that were due this morning going through the same procedure as before. I didn't say anything, only handed him a bright red pen before continuing my task.

We finished quickly and this time after recording their grades I dumped all of the assignments into the trash. I stood up still ignoring the very defeated man sitting in front of my desk and stretched cleaning up before grabbing him by the arm and nudging him towards the door locking up behind me as I closed it.

Hizashi saw me at the door surprised but happy to see me done for the day. "Shota, when do you think the girls will be coming back?" He glanced nervously at Vlad King before looking at me with worry filled eyes.

"I don't know, my understanding was that the mission they went on shouldn't have taken this long. They must have run into trouble but we have to believe in them." I don't know if I'm trying to convince myself or him at the moment.

"That's right I heard you had a niece move in with you recently how has that been?" Vlad asked, I guess on some level he is trying to be friendly again but I just can't have it.

"..." I glared at him before turning back to Hisashi. "Come on, you know how hungry they'll be when they go on these long missions. I swear the only times they ate last week were when we made them," I smiled at him and my blond husband happily started talking about different recipes that he had been dying to try but couldn't because I was such a picky eater as it was.

We made our way to the teachers room and I helped Hizashi clean up before we left all the while listening to him ramble about whether to make chili or spaghetti for dinner tonight and which variation the girls would probably like more.

"Those girls must be really something for you two to spoil them so much?" Vlad King tried to interrupt again. I let out a groan but otherwise ignore that he is there at all.

"Eraserhead, I'm sorry. I was a fool and I was angry that you're able to connect with your students so well." I froze at his words but I still didn't look at him.

"For years you have always just expelled student after student losing your entire class before half the year was gone and then the one time you don't..." He seemed to struggle as if he couldn't figure out the right way to say what he needed to say next. "It's almost like each of them are your family now, like they somehow aren't just your students anymore. That's so rare for a teacher to find with one student but you have a whole class." At this point I look up at the man talking to me.

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