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Aizawa's POV
I heard something like a door slam from upstairs but I shook the thought out of my head after all, all my students are down here. Along with this boy who only heard Bakugo call himself one of the Drug Loves and he panicked so bad he was willing to do anything and everything these two said regardless of if they killed his sister or not. What exactly did those two do to get that kind of reputation? They were undercover for months, yes but still. This level of fear came from years upon years of torture. Unless...

I put erassure cuffs on both his arms and legs and picked up the smelling salts the boys left behind. Do I really want to do this? No, I don't, but I need to...

I opened the canister and waved it under his nose and he was startled awake the moment I did. He looked around in fear for a second then seemed to calm down before looking at me.

"Why did you wake me up here? Are they gone?" I see him looking around again nervously as if just remembering what all happened.

"They aren't too far away," I see him almost shrink in his seat no longer trying to look brave or defiant. "Look I did everything they said to the letter, why are you doing this to me?" He was crying, not little tears either. His face was almost instantly covered as tears streamed down his face.

"I was good, just take me to the heroes. I swear I won't do anything. I won't fight them even, I'll just go. I'll confess to all of my crimes. Please don't make them come back," He was pleading as sobs rocked his body.

"Shh, they don't know I woke you up yet." I see him jolt back up in his seat as he looks at me terrified.

"Anything you want, ask and it's yours please don't tell them. I'll still go with the heroes. Please they already said it, it's law now." He was looking around frantically. "You're heroes in training right? Just call the emergency number so they can pick me up with no problems. Wait, is it your friend? That's right. Two said I was impersonating their friend. He is fine. I just put him to sleep. He is in his bed where I found him just sleeping. He'll wake up if you use the smelling salts I swear!" The boy was trembling trying to tell us everything he knew.

I held up a hand and he shut his mouth instantly, terror still very evident in his face. "How did you know that stuff about them when they pegged you?" If he's willing to talk he can talk but it needs to be on my terms.

"A source told me, I didn't believe it but their reaction told me it was true. Why am I even trying to hide who it is? I don't know his name, not his real one but he goes by Time Bomb, word on the street is that you never know when he is going to explode literally. He can't even tell sometimes. That's the word anyway." He looked around as if trying to gage if we were trustworthy. "You would never guess he was a villain and from what I've seen, he was taken away for prison already anyway, along with the rest. But I still don't know his name."

I blinked, it was almost too easy, "Why are you just telling me this?" I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth but if this intel was false...

He started laughing and sobbing at the same time. "Why?" He seemed completely amused and terrified to even really answer me. "You have the fucking Drug Lovers behind you and you're asking why I'm answering your questions? Are you sick in the head? Do you even know what they can do? Do you know what they have done?" He dissolved into sobs at the use of their code name again, even though he is the one that did it.

"What did they do to make you like this?" I emphasized the word you so I would only hear what I had to hear.

"Have you heard of the villain called Blob?" I shook my head no and waited. "They spent a week on him, he was the only one to ever return after the second time but then I was in the Control Room the day Lucy ordered them to kill him and Two threw the knife so hard it went all the way into his chest like it was nothing!" He was starting to panic again looking around for my two students. Now that I think about it they have been in the kitchen a long time now...

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