569 31 11

2???'s POV
Finally! I don't know how much more of class 3A I could handle. They were just so full of energy and they were just so nosey it was painful to fake a smile and be so nice to them all for so long. I picked One up carefully with his skirt, we couldn't blow our cover already, and I carried him out of the infirmary and once we couldn't see any of the students anymore I set him down and we made our way out the door.

We didn't leave anything that we couldn't do without for a few days at Eraserhead's and Present Mic's house so we went into a bathroom and changed out of the UA uniform and left before anyone could stop us. Once we left we went to the park and waited for a while before going to the new safe house.

Once we got there I pulled One into the bathroom and we went about removing our disguises. Once we were done I pulled One to the bedroom and we climbed into bed. We probably should be hungry but after eating so much last night and eating normally for breakfast and lunch today I don't think I could stomach anything at the moment. Not after so long of not eating almost anything at all.


I woke up holding my lover in the middle of the night. He was snuggling so close It would be difficult to believe he was still asleep but he was out cold. It must be another nightmare. I cooed to him whispering all the sweet promises of love and happily ever afters that I could think of because he deserved so much more than that, so much more than me.

"I love you so much," I whispered, kissing his earlobe, his curly hair tickling me and I heard his light moans of approval. Fuck even asleep he can turn me on faster than a light switch. No, no I need to calm down. I take a deep breath and push it out slowly only to feel his fingers bite at my skin as he pulls me closer. I try to untangle myself from him, I made him a promise and I intend to keep it.


[   A/N This scene has been removed from Wattpad thanks to the change in policy. Yes I'm aware that it was only a day before he turned 18 but I can't have my whole novel deleted over this. You can read the original scene on either AO3 or Webnovel with zero changes to the story. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.   ]



I open my eyes groggily and look around only to see my lover snuggled into me and myself covered in hickeys and bite marks. Those are going to be a pain to try and hide. The alarm was still going off and I reached over and picked up our phone to turn it off.


I stared for several minutes before something clicked. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?"

One jumped and looked around sleep still in his eyes but he was ready to fight whatever it was that caused the noise. When he didn't see anything he looked back at me and took the phone and looked for himself.

"What is it?" He asked while yawning. He put the phone down and cuddled up into me again under the blankets. He was sliding his hands up and down my torso and it didn't take but a moment for me to let out a little moan.

"How is it already Saturday?" I don't understand how he can be so relaxed at the moment. I mean we lost an entire day!

"Ooh," he started kissing on me again and I couldn't help losing focus again. "This is how," he purred and before I could regain my focus he was on top of me again, within moments he was pressing his very hard head against my entrance again. I can get used to losing track of days like this, besides we are both 18 now.

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