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Aizawa's POV
I got a text saying that they would meet me at the cafe at about 10 pm and I can't help thinking something went wrong. I have been pacing the length of my car since 9. I was not supposed to pick them up at all. They were supposed to just show up at my house. What could have happened? Did they get cornered? Did someone recognize them? How?

When I saw two teenage girls making their way to me, I was so relieved I was ready to cry. They gave me bright smiles and were happily calling out "Uncle Shota!" as if they hadn't seen me in months, not just a few days. I didn't really have room to talk though because when they made to trap me in a hug I was only too happy to keep them there.

"Did something happen? Why were you so late? I've been worried sick!" My words were hushed and I was squeezing them so tight they couldn't help but complain a little bit.

"Nothing bad happened. We just passed out last night and didn't set an alarm. It was stupid and reckless but we didn't think we would sleep for 24 hours!" Two answered her/his red curls swaying in the wind. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"It's just because you have been working so long and hard, it comes with practice," I let them go and help them into the car and quickly drive home.

"The girls are here!" I called out and Hizashi came out of the kitchen with a wide grin.

"I told you they were fine. Now I hope everyone is ready to eat because when Shota gets nervous the only thing that really calms him down is a lot of good food and rich desserts!" Hizashi beamed clapping his hands like a child or overprotective yet spoiling mother. I rolled my eyes but when we stepped into the kitchen and the smell of oven baked bbq chicken, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes hit my nose, it was not only the 'girls' stomachs that were rumbling.

"You two have been eating while you were gone this time right?" I asked, eyeing them.

"Oh yes, I have been eating very well!" Molly answered, giving the now beat red Brenda a large smile and a wink.

And there goes my appetite. "Food, have you been eating food?" I grumble covering my face in my hands somehow already suspecting the answer was no. "You know what no. Just no, you are both far too young to be doing that anyway! What were you even thinking?"

Brenda looks me dead in the eyes and bluntly states, "We are both 18 and are on a mission that we could easily die from anyday or at any time. Why wouldn't we express how much we love each other?"  I stared at him and Hizashi looked back and forth between us until he let out a sigh and started taking off his apron.

"No stop," Molly smiled at him and walked over to the only kitchen window and closed the blinds and curtains. I am an undercover hero and most of my work is at night with the exception of classes so all of my windows are equipped with solid blinds and black out curtains. "Help me close all the windows in the house, even the places you really don't think we would be going. Just in case." Hizashi jumped at her words and together the three of them ran around the house and I sat still in the kitchen, shocked.

They really think they are going to die? Then why do the mission at all? I know that as heroes we are constantly in danger but to do a mission when you believe that you will not make it? Someone else could have done it and they could have stayed safe. The 'girls' went to the bedroom they were in before with the private bathroom and when they came out I was looking at One and Two.

"Uncle Hizashi, you can not say anything at all when you turn around, do you understand?" Two asked using Brenda's voice and I could see my husband vibrating in excitement.

"And as a bonus I only found out last week the same day you saw me with Zumi," I added before he was allowed to turn around.

"Can I look now?" His voice was so quiet briefly I wondered if he was really my husband.

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