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One's POV
After we left we went back to our room to install the lock only to find that there was already a socket thing on the door and frame that we could just slide the lock into. It took two seconds to finish and try it out just to be safe.

Then after so many people saw us messing with our door like that we had to actually 'test' it. Most of the time there being so many people in the hideout it was a bother, not so much at the moment. We locked the door and relieved some of our excess tension through our more creative means before taking another shower. Once we were clean again we snuck into the air vent and made our way to the control room and waited.

We had no idea where the fuck we were supposed to find Chupika and our best bet for intel was the control room but not for no reason. He was the one in charge of everything that happened in this room. It's a good thing Molly informed her Uncle's friend that she wouldn't make it home tonight.

Our focus was on the room in front of us when alarms started going off and Blob's face appeared on a monitor. "There are intruders at the south gate but they seem to be civilians. I am going to make contact now," We waited, his picture stayed on the monitor for several seconds as silence rang throughout the room. "All clear, it was just Webb and Smiles, they lost their badges while they were on their last patrol." Two and I look at each other, this isn't good. Wasn't their last patrol the one that we, for lack of a better way to put it, kidnapped them? We were not the only ones to come to that conclusion either.

"Isn't that when One and Two, uh, defended themselves?" The voice was low and deep, sending shivers through my spine. But I don't recognize who it is.

"No sir, the last time they were on patrol not guard duty," Blob corrected and Two and I looked at each other relieved.

"So it has taken how many days before they reported this to anyone?" The deep voice asked and suddenly I felt very sorry for them.

"They reported it immediately sir, the report should be on your desk, it was a few days ago," Blob answered and the few people in the room seemed to let out a sigh of relief when the owner of the voice laughed.

"Very well, make sure they report directly to you everyday until their badges are located."

"Yes, sir!" Blob answered with relief echoing in his voice as well.

"Oh and Blob?" The voice asked lightly. He waited a moment before continuing, "I hear that One and Two have some amazing skills as interrogators, is that true?" My blood seemed to run cold at his words. How would anyone know that? We specifically created that method to make the target forget all about what we were asking them. How would it have gotten around?

"I-I-I don't really know sir," Blob squeaked through the connection.

"Were you not one of the people that they 'defended' themselves from?" I am trying desperately to find the owner of the voice but I just can't see him.

"I think they were just trying to prank me sir or give me a warning of some kind.They tend to leave a signature of sorts on those that have threatened them," Blob's voice was starting to shake but he wasn't stuttering yet.


"They stitch them back up with red and green surgical thread sir. They leave a smiling face with large X's for eyes, one red eye and one green eye on those who have actually offended them. I do not hold such a mark," His words were starting to run together the faster he talked and it didn't seem like he could say the words fast enough.

"I see, Blob?"

"Yes sir?"

"Threaten them," there was a long pause after the deep voice spoke the words and a chair swiveled around exposing a little girl with curly, golden hair and brown eyes. She opened her mouth to speak and a deep low voice came out. "I want to see what all they do in their defence."

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