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Aizawa's POV
The funeral service was over a month ago but none of my students have smiled since the incident. Bakugo and Midoriya were gone. I kept on going, not even caring how tired I was. Everytime I close my eyes I see their faces. Whenever I announced free period or study hall I watched as each of my students pulled out their phones and hit play again.

They watched the video countless times. We all did. I would even let them put it up on the big screen, but only if they all got 100% on all of their assignments. Every one of my students became a silent academic seemingly overnight. Everyday the big screen was set up and the video played again before they left for the day.

They were never lazy either, taking everything the boys stated in their video to heart. They worked harder than I have ever seen anyone before. Well that's not quite true. No one could ever work harder than Katsuki Bakugo or Izuku Midoriya.

The video was being set up now. I was done with my lecture and I took a seat at my desk. When was the last time I slept? I looked at my sleeping bag, tempted, for only a second until I heard their voices yet again, no sleep today.

I watched with my students as the two boys went through their reasons again. I watched as Bakugo wept for a future he couldn't have. As Midoriya lost himself to his rage only to fall apart again.

No one said anything as we cried together. What kind of villain could have had such a hold on them like this? Nezu had a press conference contradicting the news reports stating it was a suicide and the boy's names were cleared of the ugly accusation. They died fighting with every breath they took. Their video's proved that much didn't it?

But who was the villain? Or should I say villainess? They referred to the villain as she a few times in the video. I looked into every man or woman in their past and the horror that awaited me at finding out their past, it was so much.

Bakugo bullied Midoriya, I mean on some level I assumed as much. But the extent I found was intolerable. There was footage upon footage of the two where Bakugo was cornering Midoriya and beating him. It took weeks before the 'other' footage was finally discovered.

The footage shows Bakugo and Midoriya looking over their shoulders as they tried to comfort each other. If we would have launched an investigation we would never have looked that closely. Not without the original video as proof...

I also looked into those so-called 'friends' of Bakugo's. Many were reported missing after the boys started their first year of UA. Those that weren't missing were either dead or nearly dead laying in a hospital unable to answer any questions at all.

These things only made me believe the boys more and with every little thing I found the more obsessed I was. No one outside of the class saw the videos, not even their parents. Mrs. Midoriya was impossible to soothe as she screamed, her cries claiming that All Might and I failed her baby.

Mrs. and Mr. Bakugo was another story altogether. Mr. Bakugo just sighed asking what his son did this time and that he would pay for the damages. He didn't even wait to hear why he was called to the school. Mrs. Bakugo was screaming profanities claiming she would knock some sense into her son.

That all changed the moment I was finally able to tell them why they were called. They both froze and stared at me, unbelieving. It wasn't until the press release that they finally snapped out of it and they claimed they were going to sue the school for damages. Really that is your answer to being told your son died?

I ended up leaving the Bakugo's to Nezu and returned to Mrs. Midoriya who was still with All Might. They were both crying so much it was hard to tell that they didn't know each other before just a couple years ago. I would rather hear tears and screams of blame than the money hungry Bakugo's. They didn't have a leg to stand on in court of course. They both signed a waiver when their son enrolled in the school.

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