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Bakugo's POV
Once we got to the hideout we took our post and waited for our relief. "One! Two you're back!" We looked up to see the twins making their way to us, Blob right behind them. One smiled and waved happily while I stilled, having wanted to kiss him more.

They heard me grumbling but didn't say anything, I'm pretty sure that the two from yesterday came back by now and word has gotten around that we don't fool around, we mean business.

"So, uh, how did your conversation go yesterday?" The guy asked, earning a glare from me, making the girl come to his rescue.

"Oh ignore him, I do." I frowned at her before rolling my eyes and looking at our 'boss', Blob.

"Did you need us for something?" I growled while still hanging off of One, my mouth still next to the hickey that I just left on him. A nice and deep purple thanks to his skin being stained blue.

"Actually yeah, Firefox wants to see you tonight after dinner." I rolled my eyes Firefox was a fucking control freak. If he found out about the two from yesterday, and he probably did, then he probably also wants to know why.

"After dinner, great..." I say before I hear One growl and I sigh before kissing his neck letting him know that I wasn't leaving his side anytime soon.

"Well don't let me keep you, I'm sure you two have plans." Blob coughed and I did everything I could not to roll my eyes again.

I returned to kissing on One, well that did ruin our plans now we will have to stay up all night in order to get the information we need from Chupika. Hell it might even take a few days even. I took out my aggravation on One's smooth neck. Fuck how am I so hard already?

One changed how he was purring and I looked up to see three very uncomfortable guards standing around waiting for us to leave. "Ah right, you were the ones that were late." I reminded them and the twins nodded while looking away from us, refusing to say anything at all.

We made our way to our room and locked the door, but it was not lost on us that Toga was following us again either. Urg why do I feel like she isn't going to be happy until she walks in on us having sex? I look at One and see that he seems to be thinking the same thing. We did lock the door? I motion to the lock and see him grin in response, oh fuck yes!

He jumps into my arms wrapping his legs around me, our tongues at war with each other until we break apart to breathe. He started stripping himself and when he jumped down I followed suit. We are behind enemy lines but we are also undercover if we don't sell this then we are dead anyway. Might as well try to enjoy ourselves a little while we are at it?

When we both are completely naked I pull out a brand new bottle of lube and start coating and stretching One this time. I don't know why but I am feeling possessive as fuck, maybe it's because Toga has such a fucking hard on for Deku? She is crazy.

Don't care, I leave his lips, much to his aggravation and pull his pulsing shaft into my mouth, listening to the music that is his moans and purrs using my fingers the way One does when he is preparing me. When I get a particularly violent reaction from him.  I attacked it some more, knowing I found his fucking prostate. His hands get tangled in my red hair pulling me, making me chuckle at his neediness but I do what he wants and take him all in. His shaft throbbing in my mouth before he cums filling it.

Fuck that is some nasty ass shit! How in the fuck does he make it look so fucking good? Bitter didn't even begin to cover how bad it tasted but as I looked up I suddenly saw the appeal. One is sprawled out, his eyes half lidded and glazed over. I swallow and see his face tighten in bliss as I lick him clean. Fuck who knew he could look like that? I finish cleaning him up and once I'm able to get three fingers into him, scissoring them as I do, I leave his semi hard dick for his lips again.

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