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Midoriya's POV
We finally told someone, we were not really supposed to but at the same time we were not forbidden from it either. It was our story to tell and we finally told someone, two in fact. We didn't get to answer all of their questions but for now they could see where we stood, they can see for themselves why we did what we did and that there really wasn't another way to go about it.

I carry Ka- I mean Two back to the bedroom we have claimed as ours. They know who we are now but we still can not call out each other's names. It was a dangerous gamble letting Present Mic know but I'm glad it paid off. I undress Two and tuck him into the bed before undressing myself. Morning was a long way away and we had many things to do before then.


It was an hour before sunrise and Two and I were already up and ready in our disguises as One and Two. We sneak out the same window as last time and make our way to the tree with our badges still hidden inside. My skin stained blue again with my red contacts in and Two's green, his green eyes and red hair making him unrecognizable once again.

I take a deep breath and we arrive at the hideout, happy that I wouldn't need to talk at all for this character. I lean heavily on Two trying to snuggle him even while walking and he lets his giggles fill the air, relaxing my jittery nerves at the same time.

We are stopped for a moment by a new guard that I then get all starry eyed over and when the other guard arrives and sees us he tells the new guy all about us. Which is extremely little to say the least. They introduced us and told them in a hushed whisper that we are the Drug Lovers while we are making goo goo eyes at each other a few steps away.

I hear him ask what kind of drugs thinking we were dealers but the older guy is like "Nah man, I mean their quirk will drug you and they do illegal experiments on you before they leave you tied upside down in a park across town. I heard Blob talking about how much weaker his quirk is now that they 'played' with him."

I was purring lovingly as I snuggled into Two's arms kissing on his neck and getting a light moan out of him. Earning confused looks from the new guy and terrified looks from the old guy.

"Dude they are starting we need to get the fuck away from them!" He whispered, I turned like he caught my attention.

I sign to my lover, purring as I do and to the horror of the older guy, Two's face is twisting and getting angrier and angrier. When I'm done signing he looks pissed and grabs the older guy, Webb, by the collar and slammed him against the wall getting the new guys terrified attention.

Just then the new guards show up and it's the twins, brother and sister duo we met last time. They freeze seeing us. "We are here for the shift change. Sorry One, Two we didn't know you guys were back." The guy gulped, pulling his sister behind him and stepping away.

"Great timing, we needed to have a word with these two in private," Two gives them the most evil smirk I have ever seen and I match it by taking the new guy and trapping him easily with a simple hand hold. His quirk was just a clawed hand but it didn't do much good if he couldn't use it.

"Of course Two, should I tell Blob to take them off the schedule?" He was shaking violently but he wasn't stuttering, I have to give the guy a gold star for that.

"When are they scheduled next?"

"Tomorrow at the same time," he answered quickly without even hesitating.

"Hmm, tell him that he will need someone else for tomorrow's shift but otherwise they will be back." I see him cup his hand gathering his quirk and I step over and get a few drops without anyone noticing wearing a black glove like always, before flinging it in my guy's face and straight into his shocked mouth. He dropped like a rock and I put him over my shoulders like an old sack of potatoes.

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