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Aizawa's POV
The girls didn't come back that night and I started going through the material that One had given me to memorize. It really is amazing just how much intel they had gotten already, if not for the fact that they had a specific target we could have launched a raid months ago. Maybe even before their video, but that would have blown their cover and I refuse to allow my students to be in even more danger than they already are.

I start going over the lesson plan for tomorrow when I receive a message from 'god'. I mean really? Nezu has a sick sense of humor, I roll my eyes before opening the text.

Rat god: The girls got held up, they probably won't come back tonight.

I stare at the message and frown before responding with OK. I hate texting. I really do. So if at all possible I keep my responses to OK or no. I return to my work before freezing. The girls said that the class would all have a part in the mission didn't they?

I pull out my phone again and actually type out a message.

Eraserhead: Everyone Dorm Common Room NOW.

I pick up a good 5 notebooks and make my way to my problem children.


"Is there anyone not in this class here now?" I asked, walking into the room, not even waiting to see if everyone was there or not. They are here.

"Sensei, I am from class B," I look up and see the kid that has a similar hardening quirk as Kirshima but instead he turns to steel.

"He was just leaving, he is not welcome here ANYMORE," Kirishima growled, the red head actually looks extremely upset but I let the issue go.They are teenagers so I'm sure there is some kind of logical explanation, right?

"Look Red, I'm just saying that your whole class and most of our teachers treated those two like they were some kind of messengers from God and not students. All Might even had to take a couple weeks off to grieve for that Midoriya kid! Who the hell was he to mean that much to THE All Might? If they were really that great then why did they kill themselves? Huh? Answer me that?" I could feel my blood pulse with hate at hearing those words. He didn't actually think like that. Could he?

"He was my best friend! Bakugo will always be my best friend!" Kirishima's voice was somewhere between a hiss and a scream and how the hell that worked I have no fucking clue, but it was terrifying. Not that I would ever tell him that of course.

"And I'M your BOYFRIEND! It's been months now and you are still acting like you're just going to wake up one day and he is going to be standing there calling you fucking shitty hair like nothing happened. Why would you even WANT a friend like that?" The grey haired boy yelled back well passed frustrated. Wait, boyfriend? I have more questions than answers but this really needed to stop, but before I could so much as open my mouth Kirishima was literally standing up screaming again.

"It's none of you fucking business who my fucking friends are anymore because I don't WANT you to be my BOYFRIEND anymore!" I looked on in shock as did the rest of my students. As much time as he spent with Bakugo I never once heard him curse before.

The other boy looked back at him in shock for several moments before he finally snapped out of it. "If that's what you want then fine. But don't come crying to me anymore when you can't sleep at night or wake up from nightmares again," the boy hissed and that finally jolted me out of it.

"Enough! From now on there will be no one allowed in the class 3A dorms unless they are actually in class 3A!" I glared at the student from class B. "You are not welcome in my class or anywhere my class is permitted, dismissed."

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