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1??? POV
"Did he get the letter yet?" Two growled impatiently. I let out a heavy sigh before turning to look into his bright green eyes and nodded. "About fucking time! We've been stuck sitting on our hands until he got that damn letter."

"Come on," I motion behind him and we run off towards our next mission. It's time to make an appearance. My skin was itching, the blue stain taking far longer to wear off than the quirk of the kid who made me a 10 year old again. I reached up and fixed the horns on my head better. My blond hair is curling again now that I'm older again but only enough to make it wavy.

It took about an hour before we got to the L.O.V. hideout and we took our places. I looked over at Two and his bright red hair was startling against his green lizard like skin, his green eyes following me.

We spied around the corner and watched as the guards left, their shift now over, once they were out of sight, we took their place pretending to be the ones on duty. We were there for a matter of seconds before the next set rounded the corner, we quickly embraced each other, our tongues prying into each other's mouths as if we couldn't get enough of each other.

"What the hell man?" We jumped apart like we were caught red handed. My mouth opened in a silent yell.

"What the fuck? You bastards, you're the ones that are late. Don't blame us if you see something you didn't want to," Two responded and I nodded angrily, agreeing with him.

"For fucks sake just leave already, here take the access badge and find a room already." One of the guards shoved a badge into each of our hands, he was the one in charge of assigning rooms to all the recruits and we had been waiting on it. Finally! It took months but we have finally infiltrated their base.

We were halfway to the corner when I jumped on Two again biting his neck and leaving an angry red mark in its place.

"Damn the mute is a freak, did you see him jump the lizard?" The first guard asked the second.

"Hush, they can still hear you idiot!" The second hissed as we rounded the corner.

I jumped off of Two and smiled as he scowled and rubbed angrily at his neck. We looked around and I checked that the green lizard skin was still firmly in place and that no one could tell his skin was just stained green. The now angry red bite mark showed proudly in the daylight and we made our way to their headquarters.

We walked in as if we owned the place and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Toga and Twice down the hall. Oh God please don't see through our disguises! It would figure that the moment we finally get an actual key we would run into the two crazy psychos, to make it worse they both knew me outside of my disguise. As much as I really wish they didn't.

"You two stop! I don't recognize either of you. What are you doing here?" Twice called out angrily and seemed to shake his head before adding. "I'm sorry, was I rude to you? But I don't recognize either of you. Could you identify yourselves please?"

My eyes were huge and round as I pulled the badge out for him to see and Two did the same, swearing the whole time.

"Oh you're new here huh?" Toga sang and then she noticed the blood on Two's neck. "Oh, can I have a taste?"

I growled jumping onto Two's back covering his neck from her gaze. "As you can see, my blood is already spoken for, he just might kill you if you try." Two responded calmly. Oh I love the sound of his voice, I cuddled into his neck licking the wound gently making sure not to rub off any of his disguise.

"Can't he talk for himself?" Toga questioned, angry at being ignored by the blond haired blue skinned boy.

"Nope, he is mute. He can growl, purr or even roar but he can't speak," Two answered, I could hear his voice constricting as he tried not to moan under my soft touches.

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