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1???'s POV
"One we have company!" I heard Two yells before I crashed from standing on a ladder while trying to change a light bulb in our bedroom and I still needed the light because we didn't exactly have windows here.

"Not that kind of company!" He called out while I was rubbing my bum trying not to make a sound.

"Why do we have company?" I was frantically whispering, staring at the now green haired child as he walked into our room.

"I was running out of time, I was out of options and besides he already had the clearance anyway," he groaned before cursing, under his breath.

"How much have you told him? Who is it?" I was trying to salvage the situation as best as I could. I could still put on a quick deguise if I needed to.

"My name, and my code name. It's the pro hero Eraserhead," There was a long silence before he added, "I'm taking a shower to prove it now. I told him to call me Two until the mission is complete."

I nodded slowly and he walked past me and to the bathroom. I took a few seconds to collect myself and opened the bedroom door just as the shower turned on.

There he stood in the middle of our living room and I coughed a little before smiling at him, "I'm One, I understand we will be working together on this mission?" I was nervous but excited. I have been yearning for the familiar gaze and voices from before the mission. I was not expecting it to be so soon though.

I watched him stare at me and even pinch himself before looking back at me again making sure he was actually seeing me. He opened his mouth as if to say something and I interrupted, "My name is One." He nodded as if understanding what I was saying.

"I am Eraserhead, what do you need me to do?" He looked at me with a look that could scare a kitten. Our plans just got moved up, I think.

"Well we are still on the information gathering stage, you were not supposed to be brought in for at least another month. This changes things. Why was Two so careless?"

"Oi I heard that, One!" I hear him yell from the shower before shaking my head and motioning for Eraserhead to follow me. I took him to the kitchen where I still had my notebooks open and sat down again handing a completed one to him before picking up a pen.

"That doesn't make what I said any less true!" I yelled back. "Start memorising these," I pointed at a small stack of notebooks that I had left on the kitchen counter and returned to working on the books in front of me. It wasn't long before Two came in dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a loose orange hoodie.

I looked up at him glaring and he held up his hands in surrender, "I get it, I fucked up. We can't change anything now," I growled at his words and returned to illustrating the information I had collected.

I could hear him grumbling but continued to ignore him. He started poking at my face but I still wouldn't budge. "Come on One, you know you like having him here."

I lost it, "Do you even hear yourself? What about everything we have gone through in the last several months? The past few years even? Does it somehow mean nothing to you?" I stood up so fast I knocked my chair over in the process. I was near tears but he just doesn't seem to understand just how badly he messed this up.

"What about them? Huh?" I motioned over to Eraserhead who was now watching us carefully, not entirely sure what was going on. "Didn't you even think about how this would affect him or any of the others? They could die because we didn't stick to the plan!" I was practically bawling at this point and Two came over and held me while ignoring my punches and tears.

He just held me while I broke down in his arms. I could barely hear him over the sound of my own sobs but here he was whispering to me about how, "Everything is going to be alright and this was Eraserhead we were talking about here, not All Might."

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