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1???'s POV
When we were absolutely sure Eraserhead was actually asleep I removed my charged fingers and picked up the file and started thumbing through the pages making sure to read everything even the psych profile, I even saw behavioral notes about how he has been since the suicide of two of his students.

"Two, decrease dosage by 7% instead of 30% in 6 seconds." I no longer cared about staying in character. I had already been notified by 'god' that something had happened in the span of a day that we had been gone.

"Copy, 7% in 3, 2... Complete," Two answered, his voice was quiet but back to normal as well.

"Fuck, today couldn't go more wrong could it?" I muttered as a few of the teachers took defensive positions surrounding us. Present Mic tried to wave them off but it was ultimately Nezu who had to make them stand down. Thankfully only class 3A, Present Mic, All Might, Midnight, Recovery Girl and Nezu were left in the area. I really wasn't that loud and my voice wasn't that deep but it did sound hostile. Fuck everything we are doing is just bizarre in the extreme.

I page through the file again and continue to give directions and occasionally charge my fingers again to apply pressure points as needed. It took over an hour before we were done. We were coated in sweat and our breathing was heavy before we were finally done.

I looked up at Recovery Girl, too exhausted to even look angry before talking to her, "Thanks for the file but we need to rest now." My eyes drooped even as I spoke. I'm so tired, I used so much of my quirk with extreme pinpoint accuracy, it was harder than if I would have just punched someone with everything I had. I turn to Two, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm not nearly as tired as you One, sleep I'll take care of everything. I know the protocol, I won't stray." I can't help smiling at his words.

"You know I won't leave you to deal with this," I yawned, stretching not surprised when I felt Two pull me down to lay in his lap.

"No, we need to get Uncle Shota to a bed in the infirmary first," I whined, fighting his tempting touches.

"Molly there are plenty of people here more than willing to do that while we rest," Two answered, whining a little himself. Damn we really are tired if we don't rest soon we risk exposing ourselves.

"Maybe we should just go home to rest?" I ask Two hoping he would still understand. But then thought better of it, "No we need to be close to Uncle Shota in case he needs more attention. At this point not even Recovery Girl will be able to help him without us monitoring his dosages."

"Yeah, he hasn't been taking care of himself. We might need to change our plans and go ahead with moving in today verses next week?" Two was playing with my hair while he was talking. Wait, when did he get me down in his lap?

"I'll have to verify of course but yes it looks like it. Luckily we have a few days before the next task," I yawned again letting my eyes close slowly. I hear him hum in agreement before gently tapping on my shoulder.

"Hey let's go, I'm sure Recovery Girl can spare a bed for us to share." I nodded groggily at his words before letting him help me up and I leaned against his shoulder once I was up trying to find my balance but I stumbled only for him to catch me.

"Damn I hate bras," I wince at the underwire that feels like it is cutting into me. I think I hear a few perverted giggles behind me but I ignore it. I lean heavily on Two but I'm still stumbling. How much of my quirk did I actually use?

Two noticed and picked me up bridal style and I leaned my head against his chest. I will give bras this much, they make strong pecs into comfy pillows. "I love you," I smiled up at Two before a yawn took me by surprise. Seconds seemed to pass and we were at Recovery Girls office. I must have been dozing in and out, it's the only way time could have passed that way.

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