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Aizawa's POV

It's been three weeks. Nezu told me that the girls had been held up and that they were fine but that didn't stop the worry clawing away at the inside of my stomach. The girls had left about a dozen more notebooks on our kitchen table before they left and the class and I had been pouring over them. Studying every ounce of information that we could so we could be ready when the time comes. 

We were on a patrol. The class was acting like it's own hero agency today, pairing up and patrolling the town when I got a call to go to the park. My stomach dropped, the last three weeks someone has been hanging villains upside down dead with a note of some kind. Nothing much, just a letter and I'm afraid to find out what letter it was this time. Please let the girls be safe. 

I had Shoji with me today and we made our way to the park only to find my other students already there. Several gagging, I had managed to prevent them from seeing the scene these past few weeks, I guess that ends now. 

I walk over to the body and pick up the note, surprised to see an actual letter this time instead of a literal letter. 


We are the Drug Lovers and we took out the trash for you. All these men and women worked for the League under the guise of being Stain followers but we know different. You will find that regardless of who is around us we will be the true heroes of the streets. If we find a dirty hero they will meet the same fate as these villains. 

You have our faith that you can be true heroes still. ~Drug Lovers~

I gulped, I know that code name. Wasn't Two laughing that the League called them the Drug Lovers only a few weeks ago? The authorities arrived and took the body away and my class and I returned our shift now over. 

I walked into the class A dorm in a daze only to see my students watching me. How do I tell them? How do I tell them that I know who the killer is? Or the fact that each of these kills were sanctioned by the Hero Association as a part of their undercover mission? 

"I..." I couldn't, I just went silent not knowing how to tell them. 

"Aizawa sensei, we already know who did it." My head snapped up and I looked at Kirishima as if he grew a second head. But he didn't say anything anymore. 

"Yeah we know, and we understand," Kaminari sighed plopping down on the couch. 

"I'll never be able to forget their handwriting. It was clever of them taking turns with each letter but I know." Iida murmured to himself. 

I looked around and saw my students nodding in agreement. I barely noticed the tears trailing down my own face. "None of you should ever have to do something like this," I croaked, finally collapsing in a chair. We stayed like that for hours before Momo got up to make dinner and I just shook my head pulling out my phone and ordering a dozen pizzas. I think tonight we all needed some comfort food... 


It was late when I got home and heard movement in the kitchen. Hizashi was still at the office finishing up his paperwork for the night so I know it's not him. I press myself against a wall and peek around the corner only to find One and Two holding hands across my table crying. 

They're back! I couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped me as I stepped out of the shadows. But they didn't notice me. I could see newly added clean dishes on the rack so they must have eaten. 

I watched as they clutched at each other silent sobs wracking their far to skinny frames. "Do you need to talk about it? We can go to the school," I asked quietly only to see them both jump up ready to fight before they realized it was me. I watched them wipe away their tears, nodding still mute before going to their room to change. 

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