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Midoriya's POV
We ran excited to the store and started picking out ingredients for dinner tonight, breakfast for dinner! We grabbed about three dozen eggs, some ground burger and a five pound bag of potatoes, cheese, mushrooms and onions, we just ate but we didn't care it was getting late enough that we could get away with making dinner. I grabbed a couple gallons of orange juice and we raced back home. Our real home, the UA dorms.

We snuck inside relieved to find the dorms empty, everyone must be training still. We rush into the kitchen and we start cooking. We laughed and talked so much, excited for what we were about to do. I mean sure we have been practically in a coma for the last month but still. We were home and we wanted a big family dinner. Our first since we jumped off the roof so many months ago.

We were just pulling the food out of the oven when we heard the front door open. We tried to shush each other but we kept giggling until we finally put on a straight face and Kacchan opened the door.

"It's about fucking time you extra's got here!" He yelled and I peered around the corner to see them all frozen in the foyer in front of the doors. I couldn't take it. I started laughing and Kacchan broke too. "Damn it Deku, I had them good!"

I nodded, still giggling happily before pulling him back into the kitchen for a kiss. I'm sure the class could hear our giggles but I just didn't care at the moment, after all they knew how we felt about each other. I purr playfully in his ear watching his face tint that cherry blossom pink.

Now that we can be ourselves it was almost like starting over again and how embarrassed he is, is just too cute as I pull him in for another kiss.

"What are you two doing here?" Todoroki asked me, making us break away from the kiss and Kacchan was groaning and hiding his face in my chest.

I smiled, turning to him, "We live here. Duh, wait at least we used to?" My eyes widened in shock. "Did they give our rooms away? But this is home why would Nezu-" I was rambling and Kacchan kissed me, breaking me off again.

"Relax, nerd. If they give our rooms away we'll just sleep on the couch tonight and deal with it in the morning." he nuzzled me making me giggle at the affection. I relaxed back into his embrace and smiled happily to myself. "Besides it's not like we need two rooms anyway," he whispered in my ear so that the other students wouldn't hear. Judging from how red Iida was after he said it though told me he failed.

"So," I chime happily. "Who's hungry? Because we are starving!" I laughed happily as Kacchan pulled out the baking dishes of food from the oven and I used my quirk to get the dishes down and pass them out to each person so that Kacchan could dish them out while I poured orange juice for every one.

"You consider this your home?" Momo asked, stepping forward to get her food and we smiled.

"Of course this is home. I don't know what we'll do after graduating, maybe moving back in with my mom. I'm sure she will be happy with that for a while at least." I answered and everyone made their way to the table and once Kacchan and I made a plate for ourselves we sat down with them.

We ate happily, even playfully sneaking bites of each other's food before giving up and just feeding each other. Aizawa Sensei decided now was the perfect time to walk into the kitchen. "Foods on the counter help yourself!" I called out before Kacchan stuffed my mouth with another large bite of egg, potato, cheese and meat. He laughed at the face I made at that and I took my opening and shoved a forkful into his mouth.

Aizawa sensei just stared at us and then looked at our classmates who just shrugged slowly while eating their own food. Kacchan and I continued to play with each other laughing and giggling to our hearts content when I realised we were almost all done with our plates I took the empty plates using my quirk and see Kacchan following my lead and we did the dishes from our seats trying to distract each other from our task water and dishes hanging in the air.

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