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2??? POV
We set up the camera just in time to set the timer and when 10 pm struck we had a picture of the Wonder Duo watching TV. I made sure to grab a few extra even one of them kissing while the greenette cried softly in the blond's arms.

No one could know yet. In two days it should be safe enough for One or myself to deliver the envelope with the photos and clips of their hair. I held One close to me that night. I mean damn it all he had me so turned on while we were in the L.O.V.'s hideout I was ready to scream.

The last part was probably the hardest, we couldn't risk keeping our boxers on while doing the skit so his, his, his. I can feel myself turning bright red at the thought of him pressed against mine. We agreed we would wait until after he turned 18. Damn it all!

I gently lifted One off of me and slipped soundlessly into the bathroom and turned the cold water on in the shower. It didn't help, but my hand did as I bit my other hand to muffle what noises I made. He was a light sleeper especially now with us looking over our shoulder constantly. I'm going to die. That is all there is to it.

Once I had a towel wrapped around me, I checked on One again to find him still sleeping peacefully before going to the living room and working; printing the pictures out and double checking that there were no signs of how we got the pictures to begin with.

It took almost all night but that didn't matter, not to me. I had to make sure he was safe. I put the clips of hair into the envelope and sealed the envelope with Eraserhead already scrawled across the front of it. We wouldn't deliver it until tomorrow but that doesn't matter. It was ready.

Today we put on our regular disguises and got some much needed supplies before hiding away at home again after making the drop off. Once the door was locked again we turned the TV on and watched some old favorites hanging out and talking. For fucks sake I could listen to One talk day and night everyday if I could.

Before we knew it it was 3 in the afternoon again and we started putting on our disguises again. I do NOT like having the scales attached to me. Not at all, it felt so wrong and gross. It didn't take nearly so long this time considering we already had everything together. My hair done up the flaming red again I looked over at One.

Even blue he was a fucking hunk, the way his muscles rippled under his skin should be against the fucking law. I helped him attach the horns again in his now blond hair and once everything was done it was time to put in the contacts. It was unsettling to see his eyes, red surrounded by blond hair and blue skin. I know it had to be just as bad for him with my hair, skin and eyes all changed for the mission.

"You ready?" I asked him only to get a nod from him. On the one hand it was a good thing to be so sexually frustrated, it helped with the disguises. It's kind of hard to say someone is lying about fucking when you can see how hard they are for each other while they are standing right in front of you.

I took a deep breath and we made our way to the tree to get our badges, within the hour we were back at the L.O.V. 's hideout again. This time we needed more specific information and we could only get that by chatting up the villains. Well me chatting that is. One was storing all the information away in his head or notepad that he was hiding in his pocket. We've been doing this for a couple months now and most everyone knows us either one way or the other.

My disguise was easy, get fucking angry about anything that happened to or about One but otherwise be super friendly with everyone or make the goo goo eyes at One. Two of the three were easy. Being nice? Not so much, I've spent far too long being angry about life in general. But the other two made it easier because I had an easy fall back if being nice was getting too difficult.

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