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2???'s POV
"I love you One, I really do, so why are you making me do this?" I asked the 'girl' standing in front of me now. She was wearing a cute knee length skirt and her silver hair flowed about half way down her back and her breast, well how is a bra doing all that? Neither of us are wearing anything, well, in there. How was I a C cup? What does that even mean? Her eyes were thankfully still that beautiful shade of green I couldn't help but adore.

In contrast I look down at myself with my own red hair, only about half way to my shoulders. I had a fair amount of curl to them leaving me more than frustrated at having to wear the itchy material at all. This is the only disguise that requires us to wear wigs and I will now have to get used to it. We would be wearing this anytime we left to go to Eraserhead's house. Which would be at least once a week until the mission is completed, sometimes more. I was also wearing a skirt and my top did little to hide my pecs. Why am I trying to hide them again? Oh yeah, because they looked like full on boobs.

"We both know 'god' hates us," One groaned walking back into our kitchen and we looked at the now shell shocked Eraserhead.

"Who?" Eraserhead couldn't even finish his sentence.

"It's One and Two," I grumbled only to get a sharp stab in the side from One. "Sorry, I'm not thrilled by this one, fuck."

"Oh and you were so much better with any of the other ones?" One smirked, eyeing me up and down before fixing my skirt by rolling the top and making it even shorter.

"What?" I started shrieking trying to push him/her away. I look at him defensively trying to cover myself as if that would, somehow make this less bad. One made us shave our legs, OUR FUCKING LEGS. For this one. As well as a number of other painful things. Like come on there is no way anyone would have seen the two or three hairs between my eyebrows or the light peach fuzz on my upper lip.

I looked at him in the same 'cute' skirt that I was wearing only a good two or three inches higher than mine and wearing bright cherry red heels. He was the cutest girl I have ever seen in my life the way his legs just seemed to go for days ending in that ass...

One didn't pull any punches either he answered with the cutest girl's voice I have ever heard, "Oh come on Two, don't you want to know what I feel like?" She started purring before nipping at my ear. Yep we are another gay couple and according to One, we were hot.

"One, this is wrong on so many levels." I let out a sigh before lightening my own voice to match hers. "But I love you," I cooed in response. I watched his eyes widen and his breath hitch just a little; cross dressing, not my thing but watching One get turned on? Either as a man or a woman, it was hot.

"I did not give either of you enough credit in stealth for this level of undercover work." Eraserhead answered shocked, looking back and forth between us. I already knew what he was thinking though. Just how in the hell did we pull this off? Answer; painfully.

"Come on, this safe house has been marked to be discarded. We have about half an hour to make it to the next one and set up." I turned to Eraserhead before adding, "We'll meet you at the cafe. Sorry but you can't know where the safe house is and absolutely no one can see you anywhere near it anyway."

One gently guided him out of the house while I started dousing the place in gasoline starting with our bedroom. The pro hero started to protest saying that the fire could spread but One shut it down.The whole area was marked for demolition in a few short months anyway and it was roped off to avoid any danger. One grabbed our things while I worked, wearing the lime green heels he forced into my hands before packing our other shoes away.

"Happy place, happy place, happy place," I recited to myself as I finished and tossed the barrels on the couch before walking outside and joining them.

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