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Midoiya's POV
I watched as I shed my lover's wig, pulling it off of him and brought out some makeup remover pads so that they could actually see us for who we are. I couldn't look at them while we did this. I just couldn't, they must feel so betrayed and heartbroken. We haven't been allowed to see any of them at all this whole time and now out of nowhere we are suddenly allowed to? I let out a small sigh, afraid to look at them only for Kacchan to gently lift my chin to look in my eyes and smile. I can't help smiling back even as the tears streamed down. Of course, Kacchan will always be by my side even if no one else is. We take a deep breath and turn to face our peers.

They were all staring like they were seeing ghosts but in a way I guess they were. After all, Kacchan and I did 'die' so to speak.

"I understand if you don't want anything to do with us but please know that we really wanted to tell you. We were ordered not to, though. We were told that it had to be real, it had to be as real as humanly possible. Even Eraserhead didn't know until last week and I was told just this morning that All Might wasn't informed until yesterday." I couldn't take the looks they were giving us so I turned to Kacchan seeing his sad smile as he looked at me.

He was feeling the same way I was, both betrayed and lousey. We deserved their scorn, we deserve their hate. We just really hoped it wouldn't actually come to be this way.

I was about to turn and say something else when I felt something hit me around the middle. I looked down and saw a head of red and white hair, another of blue, a purple and another of light brown. They managed to knock the air out of me but I honestly didn't mind it. I looked over and saw Kacchan's squad in a similar position around him. I looked back down at mine and saw a few more heads, they were all crying but the few faces I could see were also smiling in what could only be relief.

I am finally home. The few classmates that didn't tackle us in hugs were bawling at their desk and several were even hugging each other. When Eraserhead finally shooed them to their seats so that we could answer questions it was really just in time. I was about to fall apart and I'm pretty sure he knew it.

It took the rest of the school day to answer their questions and we found out from Nezu that no one could see through the windows. The school was equipped with one way black out tech for emergency briefings and such.

"So why are we allowed to tell everyone now?" I asked Nezu, expecting him to deflect or dance around the answer.

"The only reason you couldn't before is because the association was still on the fence about Mineta being a hero at all. Today he proved that he would only use his status as a hero to benefit himself which is okay in most cases, but he literally commited a crime by touching you. Regardless of the fact whether you are boys or not he had no right to do that," Nezu answered and I'm pretty sure if the class didn't outright hate him before they certainly do now.

"How did you two get so strong? I swear you two were going all out the past two years but you took us all down today without breaking a sweat." Kaminari asked, laughing a little as he did.

"Oh, that's because we are good actors. We have been getting tortured for the past 14 years so it's only expected that we are able to defend ourselves at least that much," I smiled but everyone's mood dropped at my words. I tried to ignore it though. Just because we are allowed to talk about it doesn't mean we can. Those are two very separate things.

"Yeah the old hag would have killed us by now if we couldn't defend ourselves," Kacchan let a shiver run through him and I can't help thinking of Christmas two years ago. I already had scars covering my body so she could easily claim they were already there when she was done and that's exactly what she did.

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