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One's POV
Two and I were hanging up the little girl known as Lucy close to the police station, our note already attached to her dress. We ran back to the hideout and found Artemis and Apollo and motioned for them to follow us out of the base. We took them to a cafe clear across town and sat down with them ordering our coffee. It's Friday afternoon and it's time to give them their chance.

"Do you two want to be heroes?" Two asked them and they nodded happily. They knew better than to say anything around the hideout but they felt safe with us for some unknown reason.

I nodded at him and he lowered his voice so that only they could hear him. "What if we could get you into UA?" He asked and Artemis spit her drink out while Apollo choked on his. I could see Eraserhead around the corner waiting to hear what the verdict would be.

"Wait, really?" Apollo asked his eyes, going large at the thought before he realised what all he had done. "We aren't like you though. We've killed people and hurt them to make them talk."

"We did it before joining you too. People who hurt us and demonized us because of our quirks." Artemis sighed, their quirks were definitely considered villainous because Apollo could make anyone he touched feel immense pain so long as he was looking at them and Artemis, she could turn into each person's greatest nightmare. She only had to lock eyes with you.

"Even so, would you say yes? Even if it meant leaving the League and actually doing what you're supposed to? Going to school." Two asked and they looked at each other and then back at us before nodding sadly.

"More than anything in the world," they sighed together.

"Then let me introduce you to your teacher next year," I whispered and they looked up at me shocked before I motioned behind them. They turn and see Eraserhead standing there.

"So you two are the children that my problem children have told me about?" He asked, eyeing them for a minute and gave a soft smile. "Follow me, we can't have you interfering with the mission now can we?" He lifted an eyebrow at them and they turned to us, mouths gaping open.

We nodded, gesturing for them to go and they tackled us in a hug whispering thank yous before following him out of the cafe. I see Present Mic pointing at our table and handing the cashier some money to cover our bill and we left without saying a word more. It's time to get ready for tomorrow or tonight really. We are doing this at 3 am for some reason or another.


Two and I are standing in the control room, people either knocked out or their throats slit as we pull up the footage of the past year and put them on more flash drives just in time before the alarms start going off. Thankfully the alarms were only going off in here which meant that we had two minutes before the rest of the hideout would have alarms blaring too.

We spent the time going around the room ensuring that every single one of them was dead before returning to the control room. Our team had been given pictures of us in our disguises so that they wouldn't attack us by mistake. I wonder what they thought when they saw me with blue skin, blond hair and red eyes? I shake the thought from my head now isn't the time to be thinking about that.

We stored the memory devices in our room before returning to the control room. We had started hanging a sock on the outside door knob to keep people far away from us. Stupid, I know but it worked. Even Toga stopped trying to sneak into our room after she heard what happened to Blob and Chupika a few weeks ago.

Once we closed off the vent just in case, we readied ourselves at the door and when the entire base started flashing lights and sirens we jumped out the door and let it slam shut behind us surprising everyone just outside the control room.

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