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1???'s POV
I pulled on the clothes we wore here the other day but they are girls clothes but with my pink hair it's not so bad right? "You know what, forget this!" I huff taking the clothes back off and just pulling on a long dark robe from the bathroom and Two did the same more than happy to avoid putting on the girls clothes for now. We still had our skin stained light brown and our hair was still the same. So we just looked like the kids only older and I might look like a guy. I could put on a bra? That would give me the chest but it would break the character. I can't do that. Now is just as good as any to break it to Todoroki I guess.

I look at Two and we share a look before opening the door and walking out to find Eraserhead and Todoroki in the living room.

I looked curiously at Eraserhead and he rolled his eyes before saying, "Well you said he didn't have clearance. So he went to the store to get groceries, we have until he gets back to get you two to get properly dressed." He eyed our clothes or lack thereof.

"Oi do you have any idea how uncomfortable bras are? I would like to see you put on those clothes, makeup and alter your voice so that you convince a couple dozen people who already know you that you are not you!" Two hissed glaring at him.

"Um, what am I doing here?" Todoroki now looked very confused and uncomfortable.

"How much are you going to tell him exactly?" Eraserhead asked slightly amused before he frowned and looked at the duel user. "Speaking of talking?" I felt a shiver run down my back at his words.

"Okay, you know what no. We are not doing this song and dance of who can know or already knows." I sigh using my usual voice. "Endeavor abuses all of his kids but there is no proof. We need you to get that proof, Eraserhead."

"How do you know anything about me?" Todoroki asked, still confused.

"Do you remember talking to Molly?" I asked and when he just looked at me confused I let my eyes flash at him, making him jump and fall over backwards.

"That makes me Brenda in case you didn't guess already," Two laughed outright.

"Not while we are out of disguise. I am One and he is Two but over the phone and things Molly and Brenda will work just fine." I let out a sigh. "For now the real question is how are we going to get out of the house without our disguises? These ones don't work without being kids and as you can see the quirk we were under has already worn off."

Todoroki blinked a couple times and then pulled off his own backpack and opened it showing us several wigs long and short as well as a few pairs of clothes.

"Todoroki Shoto! You were listening to our lesson?" I asked, looking at him shocked. Two just stood there gaping and even Eraserhead was just staring.

"Yeah, I thought it would help me get away. From him," he shrugged looking down. "I didn't know anyone else was trying to help us. I thought we were alone again ever since Mido-" He stopped talking and Eraserhead glared at the boy before pulling him into a hug.

"Until further notice no student is allowed to go home for any reason due to an uptake of villain activity. Particularly the League of Villains that have shown more than a small interest in my class." His tone was heavy and firm letting no arguments come from anyone.

"Apparently, my students and I need to have a one on one chat about their lives considering two thought suicide was the answer and another was planning to run away." He did not look happy when he said these words.

"Speaking of not taking care of yourself," I announced, getting his attention. "Did you follow my aftercare directions exactly? If you miss even one step you will need to start over with the very painful process of Two holding you down while I remove the knots and tension again," I flex my fingers letting them pop and see the man flinch away.

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