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Two's POV
Oh I know that purr very well. That's the one that says that he isn't about to show me any mercy at all. I turn the shower back off and pull him towards an area that is curtained off with an old beat up couch. Beggars can't be choosers after all. I pull him behind me and grab a new bottle of lube from a drawer on my way before slouching onto the couch and slowly rubbing myself looking up at him.

"How do you want me?" I am biting the inside of my cheek now as I watch him sink to his knees in front of me. He took my rock hard length into his mouth looking up into my eyes as he did. His hot mouth almost burned me compared to the freezing shower we just took.

It wasn't until around my second or third climax that we heard movement from the other side again. One's cock fully sheathed inside of me, my ankles around his neck as he sent me into oblivion again and again.

Blob was awake but we were not ready for him yet. One's growls erupted into snarls and my screams tore through the air. But I still wasn't done yet. Somehow I didn't cum when he filled me, that is a first. I took deep breaths and told him, "My turn!" Before switching places with him and slamming into his hot ass. I almost came on the spot but One took this moment to hiss at me making my eyes snap open. If he wanted it hard and rough then so be it.


When we finally got dressed and made our way back to the table we were grinning like loons. Happily sated for the moment.

"Sorry we ran a little over. Are you feeling better now?" I asked as One kissed on my neck earning a low moan from me.

"You people are sick. I thought you were followers of Stain not, not..." He stopped talking there mainly because One had a blade pressed firmly to his neck not even bothering to turn around before doing so.

"Talkative, that's great news! That means this will go a lot faster," I grin letting One do whatever he wanted to me as I talked. If the man answered truthfully there wouldn't be a reason to torture him anymore.

"So if I remember right you said you were trying to piss us off, threaten us even. So tell me why would you go and do a silly thing like that? On purpose of all things." I waited for him to answer and I guess he didn't think it was worth it.

"I was ordered to," his voice was dry and cracking in places, but he answered. One let out a little coo and set his knives down again, snuggling into my arms.

"By a hero?" I asked, my voice dropping to a deep base as I started to reach for him.

"NO! No, not a hero!" He started crying again and at the sound of One's coo I relaxed again and instead wrapped my arms around my lover.

"Ah good then. Let's see the next question?" I rub my chin thoughtfully. One started nibbling on my neck again, Fuck he really is going to be the end of me if he keeps this up. I mean one day we will be returning to our real lives again.

"Why did you follow such a stupid order? You know what we are capable of even if you don't remember it you have the scars to prove it." I asked him looking up from my lover to do so.

"They said it was to scare you into becoming villains," Blob whispered and I let out a groan when One pulled away and cut off another chunk this time from his gut. I watched as he heated the blade and sealed the new wound shut. Blobs screams and apologies filled the air, begging for mercy.

When the process was done I just waited and when it looked like he would pass out instead I cleared my throat getting his attention. "She wanted to see what you could do," his wimpers almost overshadowed his words, but I heard it just fine. 

"Who is she? If you tell me it's fucking Toga I will rip you to shreds peice by fucking peice do you understand me?' I growled, I was growing more and more impatient by the second. How much could I ask without drawing attention to myself?

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