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Aizawa's POV
It was a long two days. It was hard to believe that my problem children were actually alive but if it was even remotely true I had to do everything I could to bring them back. Who could have known that my two worst problems in life could actually mean so much to me?

I already had Mrs. Bakugo under heavy surveillance but I was more than willing to up the workload. I even pulled Midnight into it. She was more than willing to watch the woman burn for hurting our students. She played nice and went out with her and her friends nearly everyday anyway, attaching different microphones to her coat or purse if she had a different one than usual. There were so many shoes with tracking devices attached I have no idea how she did it.

Today is the day and I can't help thinking about how I would get the letter this time. Would they send the same kid? There was something so terribly familiar about the blue skinned boy it was just plain wrong that I didn't know his name. Why would someone choose to endanger a child with that kind of sensitive information?

Unless they weren't? Where was the sender? Was I being watched the whole time? Now that I think about it, it makes sense. They found a kid who probably offered him some candy or something to deliver the envelope and watched from a safe distance. But the question remained; how would I get the letter this time? Will being at the school gate be fine?

I'll just wait until the same time today and slowly walk to the café down the street. There is a park between here and there, not the same one the explosion happened in, so that should give them plenty of time to get it to me.

I look up and see the class working diligently on the test I gave them. Mrs. Midoriya doesn't stay for the test, she doesn't want to distract the students any more than she already has. She also told me she wouldn't be in for the rest of the week, but she would stop by tomorrow around lunch. Something about work and preparing for the party.

I'm more than slightly worried for her health. Unless she is in our classroom she pretends that her son is still perfectly alive and happy. I have even heard her talk about how she is so proud that he finally asked out his Kacchan. He is family now after all. I attached a microphone to her purse and some trackers to her shoes just in case though. She was at work when I heard her sobbing apparently all alone asking why God was so cruel to her.

I shake the thought from my head as the final bell rang. My students turned in their papers and set up the TV. We watched our heroes again and I can't help the feeling of helplessness that surrounds me as I start to feel lost again. I feel my hands clench as I try to take a deep breath. I slide the drawer open and see the envelope. I burned the letter so that no one would be able to find it but the envelope was safe. It only had my hero name on it.

The video ended and my class picked up the room again and we all cleaned our faces. The teachers were the first to leave and I'm shocked when I see Vlad King, class B's teacher, standing at the doorway when All Might opens the door.

"What?" My voice was tense. We were not very friendly before my students died and after... We had the kind of words that shouldn't be repeated. Words, blows; same thing, right?

My class silently left not even acknowledging the teacher as they walked by. They had the unfortunate privilege of seeing me lose it during that 'conversation' and ever since none of them have so much as looked at him. More than once I have found my favorite coffee sitting on my desk with class A written on it. The first time we started class we watched the video. Now they come in early enough to set up the TV and hit play before the first bell even rings.

I looked up from my desk putting the test papers aside to grade when I came back, knowing that I would be extremely surprised if any of them got even one question wrong. They truly have come a long way. I stand up and follow as my last student exits the room, closing the door securely behind me.

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