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Two's POV
We were finally returning to the hideout after finishing with Chupika. We left him dangling in a park nearby the police station and I sent the tip to 'god' before we made our way back here. I feel so gross and disgusting but even so we greet the guards on duty who smiled and waved shyly. They were new and didn't know us yet but since we tended to arrive at shift change and I could hear the new guards getting lectured by the ones that they were relieving about who we were and to never ever get on our bad sides.

We made our way into the hideout and to our room only doing our act out of sheer necessity before we reached our room and locked the door. Making sure that not even Blob could get in. It took three days to get all the information out of Chupika that we could and we couldn't sleep a wink until we disposed of him. Yet we still weren't done yet.

We took a shower knowing that we needed to get the smell of blood off of us before we moved on. Once we were clean again and dressed, the smell of blood seemingly stuck in our noses forever. We made our way into the vent system and towards the Control Room.

"What do you mean Chupika still hasn't returned?" We heard Lucy's deep voice carry in the vent long before we arrived at our destination.

"Sir, all we know is that there were several witnesses that saw One and Two carry him out of the hideout and off site. No one but Chupika knows where their 'lab' is." I heard Chupika's second in command answer. She was a woman with light olive skin and blond hair. Her voice was quick and to the point but she didn't let fear waver in her voice in the least. I swear the woman may very well be harder to deal with than Chupika himself and thanks to the intel we got from him One and I know that she is fully aware where our base is along with all of our techniques. We will be grabbing her as soon as possible to dispose of but that didn't mean I had to like it any.

One and I finally arrived and got comfortable as we watched the little girl known simply as Lucy pace the control room.

"Lucy sir!" Blob's voice croaked on the intercom as his image appeared on the screen. "I have just been notified that both One and Two have arrived back on site." His voice seemed to have a permanent scratchiness to it since the last time we 'played' with him. Not to mention the fact the man literally didn't have any balls left. 

"What are you waiting for? Bring them to me!" Lucy spat and One and I eyed each other before making our way back to our room. That wasn't nearly enough information but if the past was anything to go by they didn't hesitate when it came to Lucy's orders.

"I will have someone deliver them immediately!" Blob croaked and hung up before Lucy could contradict him.

"Am I going crazy or did he actually hang up on me?" She spat getting angier by the second.

"Sir, I think that he may have forgotten who it is that he should actually be afraid of," the woman answered, that's right Chupika told us her name was Aries. At the very least it was her code name and she was quirkless. I wonder how she got so far up the chain of command in the League of Villains and Chupika was only too happy to answer by that point.

"He is of no use to me I'll just have those two kill him to prove that they are actually loyal to the L.O.V." She sneered and we were in our room and removed our shirts after closing the vent only to hear a quick loud but polite knock on the door.

I answer the door One behind me rubbing at his face as if he were trying to rub sleep out of his eyes. "What the hell do you want?" I glared at the unwelcome guest as One tried to snuggle me from behind.

It was the boy and girl twins, Apollo and Artemis. Unlike everyone else they seemed to worship us and didn't hesitate to see us or talk to us. From what we have gathered about them they would be more than happy to follow us regardless of if we were heroes or villains claiming that we were doing true hero work by keeping the League in line.

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