Chapter 7: Go Outside

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"Still no one?" One of the honored top-tier magicians of Wiz, Professor Suho, asked.

Then Irene lets out a deep sigh as she folded her arms, leaning her back against the chair she seated at, "Nobody."

"Well, we can't blame them if they wouldn't want to explore outside the walls," Another professor, Im Nayeon as well entered the conversation. "It's a scary place out there after all."

"Oh? The great Im Nayeon is scared? It's a new thing!" Suho joked.

Hearing such made Nayeon glare straightly at him before rolling her eyes, "Not for me."

"Well, it's expected already. No one have experienced being outside ever since they entered. And besides, we're in the middle of an isolated mountain." Irene explained.

"Exactly," The headmaster suddenly spoke that it garnered every top-tiers' attention. "WIZ was intentionally decided to be established here. We all know the fact that spirit beasts inhabit thick forests. It became a threat among us, yet at the same time it serves as protection."

They were followed by an awkward silence after Seunggi explained such.

Only to be broken when Nayeon spoke, "And," She hesitates to continue, but done it anyway, "Why are you stating such obvious fact?" She raised both her hands, "With all due respect."

Seunggi, feeling a little embarrassed, just lets out a fake cough as he fixed his tie, "Just.. letting out some voice."

"Hmm... well."

All their heads turned to one figure, Jennie, while shock was written on their faces except Irene.

"That's her first word for today, right?" Suho whispered that earned a smack from Nayeon.

"Let's just see who's brave enough to go out." Jennie spoke firmly with her fingers interlocking each other while her chin rested over them. No expression can be seen on her face.

"Yeah, by the way... why all the sudden?" Suho questioned, who's up till now, confused by the authorities' sudden decision.

The rest looked up to the headmaster, wondering as well.

Then Seunggi faked out a cough and faced them with proper manners, "Well I have no other choice, they have to explore and get used the the environment outside of protection."

"You're right... but, why exactly?" Nayeon

It took Seunggi quiet a while before he looks at Nayeon and answered, "It's already been almost 15 years since the last war broke out. Nobody knows when it may happen again. I'm only getting cautious so I want our students to be stronger before that happens."

"Aigoo! It already happened! Why worry for another war??"

"Because he's right, another war might break out soon," All of them straightened their sit to the serious voice from Jennie. She as well has this serious face while gritting her teeth, "My guts told me the same."

"Oh.. so you had a hunch too, huh? Ms. Fortune teller?" Irene teased, yet she was spitting facts.

Jennie nodded, "And besides... my book is still missing."

The book Jennie's talking about, it's something she have treasured the most for all her life. It was no ordinary object.

The divine book of prophet.

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