Chapter 49: The Eclipse Triggers Another War

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A Mother... it's what Raon is to Wonyoung.

Wonyoung grew up on her own, not with a parent nor a sibling. No memories she had back when she was a little newborn. All she knew, is that she gained consciousness of her existence inside a cage with all limbs being tied up in chains.

No freedom at all.

But why was it? What happened to when she was a baby? Why did she wake up with no one she can lean on? Not even a mother.

She started to think, maybe there are just like her. Born to stand at the bottom of the pyramid to became a steppingstone for those who's at top. People born with such destinies can't be changed. It's their fate.

But Raon came, gave her freedom and care she never knew she's been seeking.

Wonyoung found a mother.

But also was taken too soon.

"L-Lady Raon?" She stuttered her words with her fingers tremblingly touching the side of the woman's face. "Wake up."

Her world just crumbled. The soul in Wonyoung faded seeing the woman close her eyes.

"W-Wake up," she stuttered again. "You still have to tell me why..." and her eye shed tears. "... why is your magic familiar to me?"

Wonyoung can't even breath properly as if her heart was squeezed painfully tight. This familiar pull of the gravity that sends them to an unknown place, Wonyoung can't believe she experienced this again. And worse... Raon was behind it.

Her lips tremblingly pressed together as she stared at the woman resting on her lap who's sleeping tightly... permanently.

Mixed emotions took over, a feeling of mourn and rising anger.

Just how could she..? All this time Wonyoung had treated her as her own mother and turns out she was the one behind the unexplainable appearance she made in the Academy. She could never forget. It's the same exact power she experienced.

"Damn that old woman," Chaeyeon could only utter to herself, cursing Raon's soul to vanish into the void as she watched how Wonyoung drowned with emotion.

Raon had no remorse at all, she could've noticed that. But that hag sure knows how to play.

Aku's laughter echoed by the open valley, "Like expected. Raon's usefull after all," he glanced at the said woman who's laying lifeless on the floor being held safe by Wonyoung.

"Now now, which one of you are the vessels?!" Aku laughed again. He painted at Chaeyeon. "You," then to Hitomi, "and you. And..." he looks around at all 12 of them. "I'm pretty sure the last one's with you. Which one is Luna's vessel?!"

And for once, only adding horror in them, Aku's right eye glowed golden brighter than any light that's shining. "Because now," he held his hand in the air, and suddenly Chaewon felt a gravity pulling her close to him.

"Chaewon!!" Minju tried to grasp, but is already to late when Chaewon's already being held by the demon man by her neck.

Chaewon was held up, feet growing distance from the ground. She tried struggling off from him, but demons are just damn strong. She's slowly losing air.

"I'm absolutely confident that you are the thief." He laughed hysterically.

The thief... everyone's shocked by the unexpected revelation. They're speechless.

"The great magician who lives only once in every millennium! You've reincarnated into a fine lady, thief magician," his sinister chuckled ringed the bell in Chaewon. She started growing hopelessly angry. "Look at this," he grabbed Chaewon's wrist and abruptly tore down the cloth that's covering the shining gem in her skin."The cloud serpent! You stole the cloud serpent's power!"

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