Chapter 23: Racist Againsts a Racist

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Late update again cause I forgot🤦‍♀️


"Aish... this brat," Sakura hissed to herself while secretly sneered at Minju. Her ears and tail twitching out of impatience. 

And it added more to her smoking temper when her ears picked up loud shouts from the two figures.

"That's why humans don't live long! Fool!" Nako mocked as she teased Yena who fell on the ground, almost invisible deep under the snow.

"I'll make you blind then, you'll experience how it is!!" She shouted back and threw a dagger at the demon. But without Yuri's touch, she threw it in the wrong direction completely opposite from where Nako was.

"Be blind all by yourself," the younger kicked the pile of snow and it buried more of Yena's head. "Oh, you're already sightless I forgot."



"Ha! You must be the blind one between us. It's obviously you, 5-year-old satanic bitch."

It made Sakura's face turn red in annoyance, "SHUT THE FUCK UP LOUDMOUTHS!"

"Who the fuck was that??" Yena turned her head around trying to recognize the voice. "If it's you then don't you rant at me Samurai, I'll kill you too! Someday!"

"YOU INSOLENT DUCK REALLY CALLED MAMA SAMURAI?! I'LL FEED YOU OFF TO THE BEASTS—" as she was about to march forward, Hitomi already smacked her in the head that stopped her from whatever she planned to do with Yena.

"Ahh! What was that Hii?!"

"Behave," and she smacked her again.

"Pffft— didn't know you were under, Yako."

"At least Hii and I can see."


The others were only watching, obviously embarrassed for them. "Did we just witness two racist being racist with each other?" Yuri asked, didn't even bother help Yena up.

"It's obvious, Jo. Don't be stupid."

"My my... your highness, how kind of you." Yuri rolled her eyes and Minju did the same.

"Are they gonna have king-kong wrestling now??" Yujin excitedly waited for Minju and Yuri to  launch at each other, placing a small bet on the ground as she grinned at Wonyoung. "I'll bet for Minju-nim this time."

"That's unfair! Minju-unnie's my chicken!"

"I betted first!"

"You only changed your bet because she's a princess. You can't fool me doggy." Wonyoung stick her tongue out and placed some bits of coins as well. "I'll change mine to Yuri then!"

"Oi Kim Minju!" It shocked them all when Sakura suddenly lifted the girl by grabbing her collar with ease. "When the fuck will you decide?!"

"She won't decide anymore, Samurai-nim!" Yuri raised both her arms in the air as if celebrating. "We gon' witness the princess get eaten alive! Yeyy!!"

When a shoe hit on her head that made Yuri hiss, "Ow?! I didn't sense that?!" She glared at Chaewon.

"Don't you badmouth my princess like that, you'll face me."  Chaewon glared back at the younger, when a dagger suddenly went flying past her that widened her eyes.

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