Chapter 31: Eun

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"Why can't I see... Brother? Brother! Sungmin, where are you??"

There, she heard it again. She heard herself screaming for her brother's name helplessly. It was her own voice that echoed inside her head. She couldn't get rid of it. Like a curse in her memories. Her hand started trembling as she brought them to pull her own hair. "I-I can't see..." Yena was stuttering as she crawled on the ground. "Y-Yuri! Don't leave me!" It was no use. The group, including Yuri had already left. She got furious as to why Sakura has to leave them being stuck with each other, she and a satanic demon as she entitles the younger to be.

"Stop quacking you damned duck!—" Nako coughed as soon as she talked. The ragged pain started penetrating her lungs and so she winced out of breath. It's the toxin that's making her weak. But even so, somehow she still managed to scold the blind human.

Despite not being able to see, Yena stood and grabbed herself a piece of stick to familiarize herself with the surrounding. She started scanning the ground with her stick, stepped forward and continued on until she unknowingly hit Nako's head with a stick, only irritating the younger more.

"What are you doing?!"

"Find Yuri... I need Yuri." Yena's eye bandage were still wet. She sniffed up and walked past Nako and proceeded her slow pace, carefully with a hint of fright in her trembles. She doesn't want to go completely blind again. Seeing nothing, feeling nothing, she hates it. No— much rather she feared it.

Yuri... her touch is the only thing that could calm her right now. "Y-Yuri-ah! Come get me, please... I know you can hear me!" I'm scared.

"Just shut it! They won't come back to us!" Nako, despite feeling weak still persist to stop Yena from uselessly screaming. She made use of the remaining strength of her wings and managed to stand up, running after Yena and tackled her down on the ground that earned a thud from their fall.  "Your beg for help is useless!" It only added more to Nako's pain that her yell only ended up being a whisper-shout followed by her wince. "F*ck.
Now I ended up becoming sickly like that bandage grandma..."

"No! Yuri!! Come back!" There was a crack on her voice. The left side of her eye shedded more tears that spread through the cloth that's covering them. But her right eye? They were dry. "D-Don't leave me!"

"It's useless!" Nako flinched as she felt her chest tightening more that blocked air from entering through. She almost couldn't breath, now struggling from both catching up air and pinning Yena down.

"Let me go! I'll find h—"

Nako didn't say anything, but she managed to blow a fist right at Yena's face that stopped her from speaking. "Could you... shut up," Nako herself as well fell to the ground due to her knees weakening. "Both of us are suffering right now, stop being selfish."

"Why do that Samurai have to leave us here?! That old hag is the one being selfish not me!" Yena as well landed a punch. Having the fact that she's stuck here with the person with a 'wicked' race she hated the most, anger rushed through her veins that she forgot about the fear she felt just earlier.

"How dare you talk ill to my mother like that!" Nako forced herself to stand up, the same level of anger rushed through her as well that she can ignore her pain she's poisoned with just to launch another punch to Yena. The older swayed her head back from the force as blood bursted from her lips. "She is not selfish!"

"Not selfish?! Why did she leave us here then?!"

"Can't you understand?! She wants us to get along! But f*ck, you made me want to disobey her words!"

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