Chapter 30: Ice Against Fire

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Yujin may be a little clueless at times, but she ain't dumb enough not to notice Wonyoung's weird silence. Ever since they left Yena and Nako as per ordered by Sakura, she couldn't help but land her eyes on the younger girl beside her almost every minute. She knew Wonyoung's in deep thought. So she stepped nearer and bumped her shoulder gently that gains her attention, "I scented your perplexity. What's on your mind?"

"Thinking about how stinky of a dog you are."


"You mean 'audicity', right?"


"Obesity what?"



"These kids, really," Minju only palmed her face as she shakes her head. Looking away from watching how the two maknaes bickered like idiots they are.

"I mean... If I compare them to Yena's level of intelligence, perhaps they'd be the same." Said Yuri.

"Intelligence? Nah, they don't have that." Looking at how Wonyoung and Yujin continued about the messed up topic, Chaewon could only shake her head disappointed.

"Little Wonyo's smart tho."

"Who you calling 'little'?" Sakura flashed a 'seriously?' look on her face as she looks at Chaeyeon who only chuckled. "That long legged toddler's big as f*ck!"

"Having to fully control your mana in this short period of time is almost close to impossible. And Wonyo just did that... even managed to pull off supporting 6 people at the same time, it's impressive. I mean, is she even human?" All of them agreed to the remark Yuri had stated. Wonyo is smart indeed... it's just that she isn't educated well enough. So that brought them to having only Yena and Yujin... the 'dumb duo' as they entitled them to be.

Hyewon on the lone side, she made a cold glimpse towards the youngest member. Watching her briefly with her cold eyes, a smirk cracked on her lips. "I'll make sure to raise her well."

"But Wonyo, what were you thinking?" Wonyoung and Yujin's bicker stopped when Minju asked them. All their eyes stared as Wonyoung creased her eyebrows and looked down. It convinced them that she really has something on mind. Everyone was curious.

"Yena-unnie cried earlier..."

"That's it?" Yujin sighs obviously disappointed, "It's not at all interesting I mean— everyone can cry! Come on!"

"No... Wonyoung's right."

"What's with a duck crying anyway?" Yujin snorted even more when Chaewon agreed.

"Don't tell me I've been praising you for nothing!?" Chaewon hopped and surrounded Yujin's neck with her arms playfully that made the younger whine.

"Get off me! And praise for what!?"

"For being a keen doggy, but I was wrong. Didn't you really notice? I thought you have sharp eyes."

Yujin dropped her shoulders and let's out a scoof. "It's my nose that's sharp. Not my eyes."

"Well then let me spill you the tea," Chaewon grinned as she pulled Yujin down.

She was about to whisper on her ear, when Minju suddenly squeezed herself in between, "Tell me too."


"I'm joining," Wonyoung popped her head out and stood beside Yujin, joining in the circle.

"We are one... we should share teas," Even Chaeyeon herself was curios and joined in together with Sakura who's ears are twitching nosily.

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