Chapter 51: 500 Years Ago (2)

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"N-no! Selene!"

Realization struck Luna.

Regret she felt instantly upon watching her twin falling from the sky. She hurried down to catch her. "No, please wake up." Her tear fell on her face as she begged, "open your eyes, Selene, please." Her hand trembled to touch her face. "I—I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." She cried harder and hugged her.

"W-what have I done..?" Yoko woke up from his trance falling in instant despair. He's devastated by the destruction he did.

"Mistress!" Sakura came running and kneeled by Selene's side, eyes glistened tears by the sight.

"Master," Rui came in console to his leader. "Please flee. Other continents have discovered of your outrage. They might hunt to take you down."

Sakura as well came to Luna. Despite the heavy heart she felt from Selene's death, she can never blame Luna for it. It's all King Jum's fault, she understands that. "Princess, flee with Yoko. Better head to the South."


"Aku! You're safe!" Luna embraced the demon upon his arrival. Along with him is the farmer, Omyung, together with his family.

"Go now! Run!" And they flee towards the south.

The first war ended.

The reign of the Central didn't end, the throne got passed to Jum's youngest son and continued to his next descendants.

While Selene's own son continued the legacy of his mother and founded his own clan. The Divine Owl had risen and stood for years as a noble clan.

Meanwhile, the memory of the eye continues generation by generation of Choi Omyung's descendants. It passed down to his son, Choi Hyun, then his grandson, Choi Chin Hae, Choi Joo Seok, Choi Man Hoon, Choi Kwang Dae, until the last generation came, Choi Sung Min. These possessors of the eyes have been well protected by the clan of Choi's.

Until the time come that the youngest child shall inherit the power. Sungmin's injury forced him to pass the responsibility of keeping the eyes safe to his younger sister, Choi Yena, because he knew he won't last any longer.

"B-brother, I'm scared." Cried the 7 year old Yena as she sat beside to his brother, laying on his deathbed, while holding tight of his pale hands. "Don't leave."

Sungmin, seeing the pain in her sister's tears makes him regret not taking care of himself. He wants to give Yena a life free from any burden, yet here he is having no other choice but pass Yena a heavy responsibility on her shoulder.

"Come here." He weakly says before raising his hand to hold Yena's small face. With his left strength, he gave it all up to cast out his powers and finally transfer the golden vision to Yena. A weak smile formed his lips, "I'll always be with you. Take care, sister."

"Brother!" Yena's tears mourned for the loss. Sungmin had passed. "N-no!"

"Yena! Come immediately!" A member of their clan hurried into get Yena out the room. They must hurry or else, the demon might catch up to them.

The clan of Choi is facing their downfall upon the berserk of a demon that killed almost all their people. Even the head, Yena's parents has already been killed.

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