Chapter 21: Princess's Past

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A bright morning has occurred, and it is the princess' favorite weather to play outside of the palace garden. And so, the thirteen-year-old ran and ran lifting up the hem of her long dress to avoid stepping on it.

"Your highness, please be careful! Don't run too fast!" Her royal servant, Chaewon, is just right behind running after the princess while trying to stop the her from any possible accident knowing how clumsy she is sometimes.

And there, she finally fell on the marbled floor. But she knew it was her own fault, so she just laughed it off.

"Princess! Are you alright?" The servant immediately bended down to check, relieved upon seeing no wounds nor bruises. After all, her duty is to take care of the princess or else only God knows what might happen if Minju would be injured even by the slightest.

"I'm okay!!" Minju laughed again as she accepts the older's hand to stand.

"Please refrain from running, your majesty. A princess mu—"

"A princess must always maintain a proper and elegant composure and never should she act recklessly. I know, you've repeated that uncountable times." Minju pouted. She lets out a sigh before proceeding to walk by the hallway with her hand being held by the older as formality.

But the younger just suddenly stops much to her surprise. She turned around with furrowing eyebrows, "Since when will I keep calling you Attendant Kim??"

"Until the death of me, my princess."

"You kept saying that!" Minju grumpily removed her hand from the older's hold and walked off, still spouting complaints, "you won't even tell me your name!"

"It's forbidden," Chaewon could only chuckle by her sulk.

"I don't understand how knowing names are forbidden??

"I'm just a lowly servant of your majesty. My name is never the worth to be known to those I serve."

"Yeah, and I've been hearing that same thing again and again!" Minju humped and dashed off straight to the garden, which made Chaewon follow ahead still chuckling by the princess's temper. It has always happened whenever she's with her, so Chaewon sees it as a normal occurrence. And besides, it's cute.

When a court lady suddenly greeted that made them stop, "Greetings your majesty."

Chaewon noticed Minju so stiff, so she lets out a fake cough and eyed her gently to greet back.

Minju did, as graceful as she could.

"His royal highness have requested your presence, your majesty."

"Father?" She asked, only for a frown to show on her face when the court lady nodded.

The maiden excused herself and made an exit, which left the princess still frozen on her stood. Head hung low with continuous sighs left her mouth. Chaewon noticed her disappointment, and so she came near and offered her hand. "Let me escort you to the King's office."

"Is it going to be selfish of me if I'd say I don't want to go?" Instead of accepting her hand, Minju only raised her head and looked at the older straight in the eyes.

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