Chapter 1

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Minjeong's POV
"...and the national lightweight UFC champion is Winter Kim!" The announcer shouted. "How do you feel?"

He handed the mic over to me but before I could respond my mom grabbed the mic and started speaking instead.

"Oh we, as her parents, are so proud of our daughter's accomplishments. Right honey?" She said with a smile while looking over at my dad.

"Of course we are. We know how much time and effort she put into training and the money we had to spend to give her the opportunity to." He said.

They really need to work on their smiles. It might be fooling everyone else but not me. Wonder why their smiles disappear whenever we are at home.

The MC hesitantly took the mic back and nervously laughed. "And you, Winter?"

I gave him a gracious smile before answering briefly. "I'm...honestly in a lot of pain right now. Yeah she can really pack a punch." I said while looking at my opponent who had a swollen face that was similar to mine. She smiled back but I got nudged by my mom.

"Thank us too." She whispered between her teeth.

"And of course I'd have to thank my coach, Seulgi unnie, for guiding me all these years." I smiled again.

"Well thank you for showing us the power of young talent and I can't wait to see you again next year." He said as cameras kept flashing.

"I will train as hard as I can and come back even stronger." I said before giving the mic back and leaving the stage to get treated by the medic.

I was rushed to the infirmary with my coach alongside me and all the cheering and noise was making my head pound twenty times worse. But the things that caused most of my discomfort were from my parents.

I laid down on the bed and let the nurse tend to my injuries while I let my body cool down. And as if on cue, my parents come running in with disappointed faces.

I took my hair tie out of my long blonde hair to ease the headache that was causing my ears to ring.

My mom started to nag while slowly stepping towards me. "Didn't I tell you to thank us, you ungrateful little bi-" Fortunately before she could come near me, Seulgi unnie stepped in front of me with her arms crossed.

"Do you want to cause a scene Mrs. Kim? Because I would gladly do so."

I smiled although my head was pounding and I felt safe knowing that someone was protecting me.

"That's no way to talk to my wife." My father responded.

"Oh please. I'm pretty sure everyone could see through you two." My coach said while rolling her eyes.

"Just step aside I need to speak to my daughter." My dad said while moving a bit to the side to catch a glance at me. He dismissed the nurse and tried to do the same to my coach but she wasn't budging.

Seulgi unnie looked down on me to check if I was fine, to which I nodded. Then she left which meant it was only the three of us.

"Look if it's about what I said then-"

"No. It's something else. Me and your mom have been thinking and we've already talked to our lawyer. We were deciding on getting a divorce." My dad said while staring at me.

"Okay..." I responded while waiting for him to continue.

"You're not surprised?" He asked while exchanging looks with my mom.

"Well hearing you two fight for the past three years had me wondering when you'd ever split. So, no. I'm not surprised." I said with a smile.

"Oh well. We noticed that it would mean that we'd have to split the money and the company so we canceled the divorce." My mom said.

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