Chapter 2

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3rd Person's POV
Throughout the next three weeks, Minjeong had the same routine. Go for a run with Jimin, exercise in the garage with Seulgi unnie, and review the curriculum for the school.

She found out that she was actually ahead in most of the classes while others, she was on track. So she didn't have much to worry about.

In order to keep up with her conditioning and physical status, she practices in the garage with Seulgi unnie. They haven't found a gym that wouldn't attract crowds so it was difficult to roam freely.

Of course, the only part of her day that she always looked forward to were her morning runs. Not because of Jimin, or she tries to convince herself that it's not.

Maybe it was the way her smile would change based on the situation. Sometimes she has a closed lip smile that shows off her whisker dimples while other times she shows her toothy grin that could attract a million boys and girls in a second. Whatever it was, Minjeong was falling for it.

Of course, from time to time, she would glance to the corner of her room that had a guitar leaning against it. She wasn't sure why she brought it but she didn't feel safe without it either. Even though she hasn't touched it in years, there was a certain attachment to it that she couldn't deny.

Now it was time for Minjeong to finally start school. And what better way to start the day than an early morning run before.

So as a usual routine, she went on her morning run again. Fortunately, Jimin does the same every day before school so they'd still be running together.

Minjeong's POV
"Hey, Jimin unnie." I said after seeing her turn the corner. I try to get there a bit earlier than her since I feel bad for having her wait up for me.

"Morning Minjeong. First day of school for you right?" She asked.

We started our run together and just enjoyed the presence of one another. "Yeah. I'm not sure how to feel about it though. It'll be weird wearing a uniform instead of what I'm used to back in California. And the idea of having to introduce myself and making new friends again."

"Well it's not that bad. I'm sure you'll get used to the skirt and you could sit with my friends so you don't feel too much like an outsider. I'm sure they'd love you." Jimin assured me.

"But how would you know? I mean we, technically, haven't talked much besides during our runs." I said while slightly tilting my head.

"And there's a reason for that. But I'll tell you later." Jimin said. She looked a bit uneasy but I decided to leave it. We were turning the corner and it was our last street before we go our separate ways. "Race?" She suggested. I turned my head and before I could react she already went sprinting off.

Our jogging pace turned into full sprints. She was a couple feet ahead of me but I knew I could beat her since this has happened on the first day we met. Unfortunately she was also faster than I had initially expected so I lost.

She jumped in victory and did a little dance.

I'm not going to lie, I hate losing but if it means I get to see that then I wouldn't mind.

"So since I won, you have to do something for me." She said while panting a bit. "Just give me a minute."

We both briefly caught our breaths while enjoying the peaceful morning.

I turned to glance at her and saw her looking at the clear blue sky, before I knew it she was looking back at me. I quickly looked away which earned a earned a small chuckle from her.

Before I did something more stupid, I just continued our conversation. "So you were saying?"

I gained the courage to look at her again which wasn't hard to do since she was beautiful.

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