Chapter 27

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"Oh wait, I think I left some of the bandages outside. I'll be back." Seulgi said and left the room.

Minjeong nodded her head and turned her back to the door as she slowly took her shirt off her body. She looked at herself in the mirror and cringed at the sight. Blue and purple patches took over her pale skin. The white bandage on her head wasn't very stylish either. Fortunately most of the swelling was gone from her face, but the bruises were still evident.

Minjeong sighed as the door opened then closed right after.

"Seulgi unnie, I think we should start on my back this time." Minjeong said as she continued examining the bruises in the front.

"It's me."

Minjeong froze and slightly turned her head to see Jimin standing in her room with the ointment and bandages in her hands. She instinctively brought her arms up to cover her chest but that made her unintentionally press on the bruises near her ribs.

Minjeong hissed at the pain and Jimin quickly walked forward to try and help.

"Please, I'm okay-"

"Just let me. I promise you, I won't do anything else." Jimin looked into Minjeong's eyes and softly pulled her arms away from her chest.

Minjeong felt insecure, not only because she was topless in front of Jimin but also the ugly bruises that covered her body. But she knew that she couldn't do this herself, and Seulgi is probably not going to help either so she was left with no other choice.

Minjeong first took a seat so Jimin could change the bandages. She started with the cut on the brow. Jimin took out on a pair of gloves to take off the wound closing strips and quickly applied new strips on the area. Soon after, Jimin changed her gloves to tend the cut on Minjeong's head. The cut was slightly near her temples and didn't go into the hairline which made the application process much easier. Jimin took off the bandage and this time applied some antibiotic cream around the stitches. After applying, she opened a new bandage and covered the spot.

Throughout the entire process, Minjeong did not move at all. She looked everywhere but at Jimin and tried to ignore Jimin's warm breath that gently blew across her forehead.

Next, Jimin moved onto Minjeong's stomach. She stood up for easier application and didn't notice that Jimin momentarily froze. Jimin bit on her tongue to stop the tears from slowly forming. It pained her to see such scary marks covering Minjeong's body.

Minjeong noticed the unmoving girl and cleared her throat. Jimin quickly shook her head to snap her out of her thoughts and took off the gloves. Then she grabbed the bruising ointment and squeezed some onto her hand.

Jimin slightly bent down and softly rubbed the cream onto Minjeong's bruises.

Minjeong couldn't help but quietly hiss every time Jimin put a little too much pressure. Each time Jimin would mutter a soft "sorry", but still continued her actions.

Jimin gently turned Minjeong around to start on her back and the tears began forming again.

Jimin stopped thinking for a second and planted a soft kiss on Minjeong's nape.

"Jimin." Minjeong muttered.

Jimin cried and gently wrapped her arms around Minjeong's waist.

"Please, just let's stay like this. Just for a moment." Jimin rested her head against the back of Minjeong's neck.

Minjeong stood still, she could hear Jimin crying and all she could do was hold onto the arm that was wrapped around her waist. Jimin's body shook as her sobs filled the room.

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