Chapter 19

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To say Jimin was suspicious was an understatement. The girl hasn't seen or heard from Minjeong in the past couple of days and Christmas was tomorrow. Their morning runs no longer happened because of Jimin's change of training and the lack of communication was driving her crazy. She thought they could get a date in before the party with their friends, but the absence of contact from both sides, prevented that from happening.

Done with all this nonsense, she drove over to Minjeong's house and was surprised to find another car already parked in front of it. Jimin huffed and tried to calm herself down before exiting the car.

Breathe Jimin-ah. Just breathe. She thought.

She got out the car and walked to the front door. Jimin quickly opened it with the spare key provided by Minjeong and went inside.

"Mi-" Jimin stopped herself from calling out for the younger girl and listened closely.

"But I waited, waited, waited, waited way too long

Now we've got to face each other

We don't wanna hurt each other-"

Jimin burst through the door and gasped as she saw Minjeong singing with Ryujin sitting on her bed with a smile. But everything stopped when the two girls turned to see the older girl furious.

"R-Rina..." Minjeong nervously said and put her guitar aside. She stood up and tried to approach the taller girl but was stopped.

"Don't. Don't come near me. I-I...what are you two doing? Minjeong, I thought you said you didn't want to play anymore? I thought you would play for me first, but here you are with Ryujin? And you." Jimin turned to look at the frozen Ryujin. "What do you think Yeji will do when she finds out you were screwing around with my girlfriend?"

"Baby we weren't-"

"Don't call me that anymore. I thought we left on a good note since the last time we met and I waited for you to call or text me, but I got nothing. I tried to be understanding and everything for you, but I now know that you're just a selfish bitch that only cares about your own problems." Jimin furiously wiped away her tears and turned on her heels to leave, but Minjeong caught her wrist quickly.

"It's not what you think!" Minjeong exclaimed and tried to plead Jimin with her glossy eyes.

"Then what is it?!? Tell me!" Jimin yelled back and waited for a response from Minjeong.

But the younger girl couldn't answer. It would ruin all of her plans.

Jimin huffed and snatched her wrist away.

"Wait, Jimin unnie-"

"You two better not show up in front of my face or any of the other girls. We don't need any more toxicity from you two." Then she left.

"Minjeongie." Ryujin softly touched Minjeong's shoulder as the girl kept crying.

Minjeong immediately turned into Ryujin's embrace and cried her heart out.

"Why didn't she listen?" Minjeong asked and her voice cracked as she sobbed.

Ryujin began crying as well. Having a long time friend doubt her and Minjeong really pained her. They stood like that for a couple minutes, trying to let the pain subside.

Ryujin was so worried about Minjeong's well-being that she momentarily forgot about herself and her own girlfriend.

"Y-Yeji..." Ryujin softly whispered and ran to her phone.

🥰my baby😩

are you home?

Message Not Delivered

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