Chapter 25

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Jimin immediately stood up the second Ryujin came out of the room. Before she could go inside, Ryujin caught her arm.

"She's still asleep." Ryujin looked at Jimin directly on the eyes, but Jimin ignored it and proceeded to reach for the door. "Let's just see her again in the morning." Ryujin wouldn't let Jimin go.

"Yeah girls, it's getting late and you all are probably drained after today. Especially you Jimin." Mrs. Yu said.

Jimin shook her head. "Someone needs to stay with Minjeong. I'm not letting her sleep here alone. Let me stay with her."

"No!...I mean, you're still covered in blood and you don't have the proper clothes on right now. I think it'a best for you to rest for tonight." Ryujin said and awkwardly coughed.

"I said I'm not leaving her alone-"

"I'll stay with her." Seulgi said as she came back with Irene after signing some papers.

"Okay then, that's settled. Girls, go home and we'll come see Minjeong tomorrow when she's discharged." Mr. Yu stood up and helped Mrs. Yu up as well.

"Can I see her before we go though? I promise it'll be quick." Jimin begged her parents.

They agreed and Ryujin couldn't stop her this time because her parents were involved.

Jimin stepped inside the quiet room and shut the door behind her. Minjeong had her eyes closed when Jimin walked up to her side.

"Hi." Jimin muttered weakly and held her hand again. "I have so much I want to say to you, but I'll wait for you to wake up. I'm sorry I have to go home tonight but I promise I'll be back first thing in the morning." Jimin sighed and leaned down to softly nuzzle her nose against Minjeong's as she stared down at her closed eyelids. Jimin's tears slowly fell on Minjeong's delicate cheeks again. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." Jimin pulled away before more tears fell onto Minjeong. While covering her mouth to cover her sobs, she let go of Minjeong's hand to grab a nearby tissue and softly dab away her tears that fell on Minjeong. She sniffled and planted one more soft kiss on her forehead and caressed the side of Minjeong's head. "I love you."

Jimin pulled away and left the room. Right as Minjeong heard the door close, she began whimpering and the tears she was holding in fell endlessly. She couldn't move around that well so her tears fell out of the corner of her eyes as she faced the ceiling.

Outside, the girls looked at Jimin sadly as they saw their friend walking out with tear-stained cheeks.

"Come honey. Let's go home." Mrs. Yu wrapped her arms around Jimin's shoulders as they walked towards the exit.

Everyone else followed behind and Irene did too after saying good night to Seulgi.

Moments after, Seulgi went inside the room and was surprised to hear someone softly crying. She quickly closed the door and looked up to see Minjeong crying alone on the bed.

"Minjeong, oh gosh. Are you okay? Are the painkillers wearing off?" Seulgi frantically asked.

"Unnie." Minjeong simply muttered.

"What is it?" Seulgi asked, still in a panicked mode.

"I love her." Minjeong continued to look at the ceiling as she kept crying.

"Jimin?" Seulgi sat down next to the girl and looked at her with worried eyes. "She loves you too, so why are you crying?" Seulgi asked.

Minjeong sniffled and tried to calm down so her voice doesn't break as she speaks. "I love her. I love her too much to let her be with someone like me. I'm just an emotionally broken girl with no real parents. She doesn't deserve someone like that."

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