Chapter 8

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3rd Person's POV
"Guys this is Minjeong unnie." Yuna announced.

Everyone had shocked faces, except for Yuna.

"Guys, what are you doing? Say hi." Yuna said.

As if on cue, Yizhuo snapped out of her trance and slapped a smile on her face.

"Hi Minjeong unnie. It's nice to meet you." Yizhuo said with a smile.

"It''s nice to meet you guys too." Minjeong said.

Suddenly silence hit again and the girls were just staring at Minjeong.

Yuna coughed loudly to break everyone's trance which actually worked. "Well you can sit next to Jimin unnie and me." Yuna said while dragging the younger one to her seat.

Minjeong slowly dropped her backpack on the floor and cleared her throat. "Actually, could I use the restroom first?"

"Oh sure, just go up the stairs and there's a door right next to this one on the left." Yuna explained.

Minjeong smiled in gratitude and quickly exited the basement.

Now only the girls were left and were still in small shock.

"Okay what was that guys? You literally scared the girl with all of your staring." Yuna had a serious look on her face as she took a seat.

"Yah! Shin Yuna, that was the girl." Yeji said.

"Girl? What girl?" Yuna replied.

"The girl that's been getting close to Jimin." Aeri said.

Yuna then had a wave of realization hit her. "Oh, Jimin unnie I'm so sorry. If I had known-" Yuna tried explaining.

"No it's fine. We should've told you since the beginning." Jimin said with a small smile.

"Are you guys official yet?" Yuna asked.

Jimin shook her head. "I told her that I wanted to keep us a secret for now, and only you guys know about us."

"And now she has to make it up to her tomorrow." Yeji added.

"Why don't you do it now?" Yuna asked.

"Because I didn't know she was tutoring us. And I need to focus on my grades right now. You know my parents. Bad grades means I can't compete anymore." Jimin said.

"And you guys agreed to this idea?" Yuna asked the other girls.

"Well we can't force her to do anything." Chaeryeong added.

"But think about it. You guys told me that you've been hiding things from her but you guys never shut up about how she's so sweet and kind. To be honest, whenever you guys talked about her I thought you were trying to compliment Somi and try to get on her good side again. Which I found weird, to be honest, but now I see that it was Minjeong unnie. And I'm happy that Jimin unnie found her. Jimin unnie, trust me when I say this...she's worth the risk." Yuna said while softly grabbing Jimin's hand.

"I know. But I'm on the borderline of failing this class. I don't want to lose both." Jimin said with a small pout.

"You won't have to." A voice said.

Jimin turned around to see Minjeong standing at the bottom of the staircase with a small smile.

"H-how much did you hear?" Jimin asked.

"Just enough." Minjeong replied with a small smile. She walked to her seat and sat down. "Okay so where should we start?" Minjeong asked while taking out some of her notes. There was a moment of silence that Minjeong caught. "Guys why so quiet?" Minjeong asked.

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