Chapter 3

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Minjeong's POV
The lesson had finally started. Fortunately our teacher wasn't one of those that forces new students to introduce themselves in front of the whole class, so it was a huge relief for me. All the seats were in pairs and I was hoping to get one of the girls but they all had someone next to them already so I had to settle with a girl named Yuna, who I found out was a year younger. She was nice and I won't deny, she's pretty too but literally all the girls I've met so far were beautiful in their own ways. It must be the water. Of course the other girls were also in this class so it was nice having some people to talk to.

As the lesson went on, I started getting bored. It wasn't the teacher's fault, she's honestly better than the ones in the U.S., but I've already reviewed these with my school and private tutor. Eventually I stopped taking notes and decided to just refer to my notes later from last year that I, fortunately, saved.

"Unnie, aren't you going to take notes?" Yuna asked as she leaned over to my side a bit to whisper.

"I'm just gonna use my old notes." I said while mindlessly sketching in my notebook.

"Wait so you actually understand this class?" Yuna asked, wide-eyed.

"Well yeah. I mean, once you understand the general concept and tie it into one another, it isn't that difficult." I explained while turning to face Yuna.

I saw her thinking about something for a moment before giving me a bright smile.

"Well me and my friends have been struggling in this class and I think we could really use the extra help, if you're willing to." Yuna offered.

"Well I'm not sure. I have some things after school and still need to do homework-"

"Oh." That was all she said and I saw her face fall a little.

"Actually, let me-" I was going to tell her that I might reconsider but I was interrupted.

"Miss Kim or Miss Shin, would one of you be kind enough to come up and solve this equation using any of the gas laws that I just mentioned." Our teacher called out.

Both of us had our mouths gaping slightly and we exchanged looks to one another. Almost everyone was staring at us and I knew that Yuna was struggling with this class so I might as well save her at least.

I stood up and gave Yuna a reassuring smile before holding my head high and walking to the front of the class. I could see the girls from this morning staring at me, they all held terrified and worried faces for me.

As I reached the board, my teacher had a smug smile while handing me the marker. I looked at the problem and noticed why she had such a smirk on her face. Last year, my chemistry teacher tried to stun us with a similar problem that no one could solve, not even me. But this time would be different.

About five minutes passed, all the numbers and equations were written and I boxed the final answer before turning back to face my teacher.

The smile on her face was gone and I capped the marker before slyly walking back to my seat. On the way I passed Jimin and she held out her hand for me.

I high-fived her but instead she held it and pulled me down for a quick millisecond to whisper, "Smartass."

I smirked and winked before walking further to the back and meeting Yuna again.

"You definitely need to tutor us." Yuna said.

"And I will keep that in mind. Just give me about two weeks to get settled and if it's a yes then the earliest we can start is the following Monday." I said with a small chuckle.

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