Chapter 7

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3rd Person's POV
The girls were still at lunch but the mood was just gone. They saw Jimin with the other girls leaving the cafeteria, but a couple minutes later, Jimin came running up to them.

"Guys, guys, where's Minjeong?" Jimin said with a slight pant.

The girls exchanged looks with one another before Ryujin cleared her throat and faced Jimin.

"She left." Ryujin replied.

Jimin was infuriated and widened her eyes. "Left?!? What do you mean she left?!? Didn't you guys stop her or anything?" Jimin asked.

Chaeryeong looked around and noticed the eyes that were staring.

"Well we tried to calm her down but she just walked away. And we tried finding her after a while but she was just gone." Chaeryeong explained.

"And so what? You didn't call or anything? What were you guys doing?" Jimin said.

"Yu Jimin!" Yeji exclaimed while standing up. Almost the entire cafeteria went silent as they watched the girl shout.

Yeji grabbed Jimin's hand and told the girls to follow. Eventually they left to find an empty classroom before they attracted anymore attention. Once they found a classroom and saw no one inside, they entered and made Jimin sit.

"Well you guys dragged me here without saying anything, so somebody please tell me something!" She yelled.

"Jimin unnie, calm down." Ryujin said. Ryujin took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves before she bursts at Jimin. "Have you ever considered Minjeong's feelings?" She asked.

Jimin was confused at her question. "Her feelings? Of course I've thought about her feelings."

"Well have you thought about how she feels when she sees everyone walking on egg shells around her. Has she ever talked to you about feeling present in a moment but also feeling so left out?" Ryujin asked.

Jimin thought back to this morning. "She might've said something." Jimin replied.

"And what did you tell her?" Chaeryeong added.

Jimin shifted her eyes downward. "That it was nothing." She quietly said.

"And that's what everyone's been telling her for the past weeks. Do you know how hard it is to fit in when you're stuck in a new environment?" Ryujin asked. "It isn't easy. I'm sure you remember when I first transferred here. And I'm sure everyone remembers last year's accident." Ryujin could feel her eyes start to tear up at the thought of the events that happened in the past.

Yeji approached Ryujin's back and started to rub it softly. Eventually all the girls had tears brimming.

"Ryujin-ah, I-"

"I know what you're going to say Jimin unnie. You don't need to apologize. Just know that it isn't easy living in the dark all the time. You guys brought me out of it, but we're putting Minjeong in the dark right now. I'm not trying to say tell her everything, but at least give her something to look forward to because those moments can go a long way." Ryujin said.

"I think I know why she walked away. Part of it might be that but the other part is probably because of me." Jimin said.

Yeji wiped her tears. "Jimin? What did you do?"

"She-she...when we went on our run this morning, she talked to me about it." Jimin said. "And after I told her that she didn't need to worry, something happened."

"What happened?" Chaeryeong said and the girls unconsciously started to lean forward, in anticipation.

"I don't know. We were just silent for a moment and the next thing I know, she' know." Jimin shyly said.

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