Chapter 4

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3rd Person's POV
Towards the end of class, Minjeong leaned over to Yeji.

"Hey unnie, about earlier..." Minjeong whispered.

"It's fine, honestly. There's always someone like that, it's no big deal." Yeji hurriedly whispered.

Flashback: before class
"Hey gay, new friend?" Somi smirked.

Minjeong looked at Yeji confusedly and glared at Somi for her rudeness.

"What do you want Somi?" Yeji replied.

"Nothing, just saw a rainbow and thought of you. But I did get scared at lunch. A movie was played in the cafeteria. I'm not sure if you saw it newbie, but it was whore-ific." Somi said while acting as if she had chills. She started laughing afterwards and lightly touched Minjeong's shoulder. "See you around newbie, and be careful of those around you."

Then she left with only Minjeong and Yeji in the halls.

"Hey, unnie-"

"Forget about it okay? We're going to be late." Yeji said and walked into class.

Present time
Minjeong allowed the girl some space and waited to talk once the bell rang. But once it did, Yeji distanced herself as much as possible from the other one. As they shuffled out to the hallways, Minjeong had to run a bit to catch up with Yeji.

Once Yeji was an arm's length away, Minjeong lightly held her shoulder which made her stop in her steps. The students around them, stared for a moment but continued walking their own way. Minjeong pulled the two of them to an empty classroom and the two turned to each other.

"Hey I know we just met today but you can always talk to me. You don't have to keep pinching yourself or clawing your nails into your hands." Minjeong said softly.

"I didn't claw-"

Before Yeji could finish her sentence, Minjeong grabbed her left hand that had deep nail marks with some mixed with blood.

"Just please talk to someone about it. Talk to Ryujin or Chaeryeong, I don't know. Because keeping it to yourself is like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. And when it does, we tend to do things we don't really want to or mean to." Minjeong said softly.

Man, I should really be taking my own advice. Minjeong thought.

After listening to Minjeong's little speech, Yeji started to tear up. She slowly took small steps forward and collided with Minjeong before breaking down. Minjeong felt relief that Yeji was opening up a little bit, and started to feel the taller girl's body start to relax.

"It's's just that...the girls and I have been through so much the past few years. And she always comes to pick on me since the others are accompanied by someone in every single class. Being alone just made me an easier target." Yeji explained as the two pulled apart.

"So why didn't you ask the girls to walk you to class before?" Minjeong asked.

Yeji started to wipe her tears. "I haven't really told them anything. If I do, I'm scared that they might do something about it and that's the last thing I want."

"But something should be done. That girl was being rude and downgraded you for who you are." Minjeong said. "I don't know about her but I fully support. Love is love and nothing could change that. Don't let the words of others break that special connection between you and Ryujin. Because just from watching you two today, it's enough to know how much love you have for each other." Minjeong said.

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