Chapter 10

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No One's POV
Finally the day has come to an end and two girls, in particular, couldn't wait any longer. The two speedily walked outside and headed straight to their respective cars, trying to not be caught together.

Hours pass and Minjeong was still having trouble on what to wear. Jimin wasn't giving her any hints on the date since she's also the one driving, which left the younger girl clueless as to her outfit.

And so, she called the first person that could possibly help her in this situation.


"I don't like that tone." The girl replied.

Minjeong chuckled and shook her head, although the girl on the phone wouldn't be able to see it.

"Oh come on. You're the only person I could relate to the most, at least in terms of style. So pretty please help me this one time."

Minjeong heard silence before it was followed by a defeated sigh.

"Fine, but you have to promise some details later."

"Details, whatever. Now tell me what to wear." Minjeong asked while roaming her eyes through her spacious closet once more.

"Well, Jimin unnie is most likely taking you to stargaze or an outdoor movie so casual should be fine." Ryujin muttered, more to herself than to Minjeong.

"How do you know that?" Minjeong asked while grabbing a plain flannel from her hangers.

"She always gushes to everyone about her first date and doesn't give us a day to forget how she wants most of it to plan out." Ryujin said with a light laugh following.

Minjeong smiled at the thought of a desperate, lovestruck Jimin ranting to her friends about her yet-to-come first date.

"Wait, but there's no way this is her first date." Minjeong said.

"No it isn't, but this is her first real date. The others were forced by Somi so Jimin had no real feelings at those moments. And it was usually planned by the guys because Jimin unnie never made the effort."

The thought of Jimin actually trying for Minjeong made her smile.

"Well thanks for the help Ryujinnie. I shall repay you with my knowledge in math."

"Yeah yeah. Just don't do anything Yeji did on the first date." Ryujin said.

"I'm guessing it wasn't PG-13."

"No, she took us to a club, illegally, and got drunk. Luckily, all she ranted about was how long she's been crushing on me."

Minjeong laughed at her friend's dumbness and smiled in content as she finished her outfit.

"Who knew her height would size up to her simp level."

"I know, right? Well you should probably finish touching up. Wouldn't want to disappoint Jimin unnie on the first date."

"Okay bye~thanks again."

The two ended the call and Minjeong smiled in content before doing some finishing touches on her makeup.

Half an hour later, Minjeong gets a text from Jimin, saying that she's here, which made the younger girl squeal softly.

Minjeong cleared her throat and checked her appearance once more before grabbing her phone and heading downstairs.

The younger girl was about to reach the door when a voice from behind stopped her.

"And where are you going at this time, young lady?" Seulgi asked.

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