Chapter 18

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"Hey baby. Where'd you go?" Jimin asked as Minjeong walked up to the front porch.

She went up for a hug from the older girl and just sighed.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." Minjeong replied.

"Well then, let's go inside and cuddle. I think we both deserve a good rest together after finals." Jimin reached for Minjeong's keys and turned to open the door without ever letting go of the younger one.

The two walked inside and changed into some of Minjeong's pajamas before settling themselves on the bed.

Minjeong held Jimin close again, foreheads and noses pressed softly against each other.

As the two were about to succumb into their own dreamland, Minjeong's phone started ringing.

The girl sighed and pulled away to retrieve her phone.

"Don't answer it." Jimin said as she pulled Minjeong back into their previous position.

Minjeong chuckled and caressed Jimin's face as she stared at the older girl who has her eyes still closed.

"What if it's important?" Minjeong whispered which gave Jimin goosebumps from the feeling of their lips brushing against each other.

"More important than our rest? I don't think so. Whoever it is, they're going to have to wait so just sleep." Jimin pushed herself up and laid herself on top of Minjeong to make sure she doesn't get up. Her head rested in the crook of Minjeong's neck as her arms wrapped around the waist.

Minjeong gave up and just kissed Jimin's forehead before letting her fatigue take over.


"Hey, baby. Wake up." Jimin softly shook Minjeong and moved away stray hairs from the sleeping girl's face.

"What? Why?" Minjeong said in her deep and groggy voice that she always found gross, but was the opposite for her girlfriend.

Jimin chuckled at the younger girl's confusion. "My coach just texted me and said I needed to attend practice again."

"But I thought it was your rest day." Minjeong pouted and rubbed the sleep from her eyes to stare at Jimin.

"It was supposed to be but my match is coming up. You know how important this is to me."

"Yeah I know..." Minjeong said and became sad after thinking about the reality of their situation. To be honest, her head was filled with her parents' situation and Jimin's situation which was taking a toll on her.

However, Jimin saw this differently.

"Why do you look so unsure? Don't you want this for me?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows and grew some distance between them. Minjeong was still stuck in her daze and didn't respond which was a bad choice. "Fine. And here I thought you would be the one to understand."

Jimin got up and grabbed her clothes with her keys before heading downstairs. Minjeong broke out of her trance and followed quickly behind.

"Wait, Jimin. Please!" Minjeong yelled as she chased after the older girl.

Jimin wasn't listening and opened the front door with her shoes in her hands as well. She opened the passenger door before throwing her things inside and walking to the other side.

Minjeong caught her wrist just as she was about to open the driver side door and turned Jimin around.

"Minjeong I really need to go."

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