Chapter 5

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3rd Person's POV

Minjeong and Jimin were on their morning run again after Minjeong's first day of school. The air was still a bit awkward and it was slowly killing the two.


"Jimin unnie-"

The two stopped running and laughed. Minjeong calmed herself down and gestured for Jimin to go first.

Jimin's POV

"Listen Minjeong. About yesterday-"

"No, it's fine. The other girls already told me and I totally understand." Minjeong said.

"They did?" But they said that they didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I'm sure school's already stressing you out so mood swings are bound to happen." Minjeong said. She smiled but something in her eyes was telling me something different.

We both started to walk slowly, just enjoying the morning breeze.

"Minjeong, I hope you know that we aren't trying to ice you out or anything. It might've seemed a bit like that yesterday but it's not our true intentions." I tried to explain. Seeing that small glint of pain that Minjeong had was killing me.

"I told you already unnie-"

"No, I need to set this straight." I said while halting in my steps and turned to face her. "The girls are very fond of you and think you'd be a great addition to our group. But if I'm being honest, there's something that you don't know..." I didn't really know how to continue and suddenly found interest in a small pebble by my foot.

"And you don't want to tell me because I'm still new and you don't know if you can trust me?" Minjeong asked which made me abruptly bring my head and try to deny her assumptions.

"We trust you. We just don't want to scare you away, so if it seems like we're a bit off or something; just know it's not meant for you." I said.

Why did that come out so wrong? I internally facepalmed but was surprised by Minjeong's response.

"It's fine unnie. I understand where you're coming from. You guys must've faced a lot together and are trying to rebuild yourselves back up. It must be hard for you to allow a new face in without doubts." Minjeong said with a smile. "And about the scaring me away part, nothing could scare me away, besides the thought of not being friends with you."

I could feel my cheeks heating up and the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. Just what in the world are you doing to me Kim Minjeong?

"Well, if we're going to be friends I want you to not call me unnie. It makes me feel too old." I said.

"But I thought you were big on honorifics since you strictly advise Ryujin and Chaeryeong to use them all the time." Minjeong mentioned.

"Yeah, but with you, it doesn't feel right." I said while thinking of something else that she could call me.

"So what should I call you." Minjeong asked me with those gentle eyes that made my knees weak.

I quickly snapped out of it and a thought came into my mind. I guess a subtle hint wouldn't hurt. "Just call me Karina. It's my nickname that only my close friends and family know about. But you can refer to me as Jimin if other students are involved." I said.

"Karina...I like it." Minjeong said with a bright smile.

I unconsciously smiled back because of her adorableness. "Just letting you know, although my close friends and family know about that name, I never let them call me by it."

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