Chapter 16

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Throughout the next few weeks, Jimin and Minjeong have been successful in deceiving Somi. Minjeong decided it would be best to avoid seeing Jimin and Somi together so the two won't show forced PDA in front of the younger girl.

It was officially the last day of Jimin and Somi's fake relationship which would allow Minjeong and Jimin to come out loud and proud to the rest of the school.

Minjeong was sitting in her classroom as she watched the clock tick down to the last seconds before the bell dismissed everyone to lunch. As soon as it rang, she bolted up and dragged Ryujin to the lunch tables in a hurry but made sure to say bye to Aeri and Jisu.

Minjeong and Ryujin were the first to arrive which was uncommon but the blonde was too anxious to get the day over with.

"Slow down Minjeongie, you're going to pull my arm out of its socket." Ryujin huffed as she plopped down on the seat across from Minjeong.

The latter giggled. "Sorry, but the faster we get through lunch the faster this is all over."

Ryujin rolled her eyes and started to unpack her lunch. Just in time, the other girls arrived and sat down in their own seats.

"So you excited Minjeong?" Yeji asked as she fed Ryujin an apple.

Minjeong nodded and looked around to catch a glimpse of the love of her life. A smile grew on her face as she saw Jimin already staring back at her with a similar smile.

"Please not in front of my salad." Chaeryeong remarked while showing a face of disgust.

"Oh please, as if you and Jisu unnie aren't eye fucking each other from across the room." Ryujin bluntly commented.


"Yah, Kim Minjeong."

The cafeteria went silent after hearing a booming voice calling for Minjeong from the front entrance.

All eyes were on Somi as she walked towards the table or more towards Minjeong.

Minjeong was watching patiently and held a composed face. Even Somi's pungent perfume couldn't faze her facade.

She waited until Somi was right in front of her. "May I help you?" Minjeong calmly asked as she stared right back into the taller girl's eyes.

Somi didn't hold the usual cold stare and instead leaned down a little. "Come with me." She said lowly and began to walk out of the cafeteria.

Minjeong let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and stood up.

"Wait, are you actually going with her? What if it's a trick, what if she's going to eat you or feed you to the wolves?" Chaeryeong asked with wide eyes.

"I'll be fine. And don't worry, I can defend myself." Minjeong said and subtly glanced at Ryujin who caught the meaning behind that statement.

Minjeong straightened out her skirt and left her things as she walked out of the cafeteria. Everyone's eyes of either adoration or curiosity of the situation were staring at her but Minjeong was unfazed. She didn't look but she could feel her girlfriend's eyes watching her every move as well.

Weirdly enough, as soon as she stepped out of the cafeteria she could hear the conversations and hushed whispers fill the room again.

Somi, who was at the end of the hallway with her arms crossed, let out a sigh as Minjeong had finally arrived.

Silently, Minjeong followed Somi down the halls and into an empty classroom. Somi locked the door as soon as Minjeong entered.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Minjeong started as she leaned against a nearby table.

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