Chapter 15

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Jimin wakes up and feels a soft pressure on her nose and forehead. She opened her eyes to see Minjeong, but what made it cuter was that the younger girl was leaning her head unconsciously.

Jimin carefully untangled herself and checked the time on her phone. It was only 6 a.m., her body clock was making her wake up. Luckily, Minjeong seemed to be unfazed.

Jimin leaned back in and wrapped her arms around Minjeong's waist. Just as she was about to go back into her dreamland, she felt Minjeong pull her closer by her neck and position their noses and foreheads against each other, just like earlier.

Jimin knew that she was Minjeong's safe place, just as Minjeong was her's.

Time skip

This time, Minjeong woke up first and opened her eyes. She smiled as the first thing she saw was her sleeping girlfriend, who looked surreal even in the morning.

Minjeong leaned up and checked the clock on the wall to see it was 12 in the morning.

She laid down and gently traced Jimin's features. Seeing no movement from the older, Minjeong began to leave soft pecks on her face, starting with her forehead.

"'s 12..." Minjeong left kisses all over Jimin's face while whispering sweet endearments.

Minjeong thought there was no hope and was going to let her sleep longer while she went to go cook. But just as she untangled herself and got up, Minjeong was pulled back down and found herself laying on top of Jimin.

"You were going to leave me?" Jimin asked and squinted her eyes, trying to adjust her eyes to the light.

Minjeong laughed and propped herself on her hands to not squish Jimin. "Of course not. I was going to make us breakfast because you weren't waking up."

"Who said I wasn't awake?"

"Oh please. As if you could restrain yourself from smiling every time I kiss you."

Jimin smirked and took on the challenge. "I bet that I can do it."

Minjeong skeptically observed the older one's intentions and escaped Jimin's grasp.

"If that's your way of trying to get my kisses in the morning, sorry but if you had woken up earlier than you would've gotten them."

Minjeong left to wash up and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. As she was prepping the coffee and oats, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"Hi lovely." Minjeong said.

It's safe to say Jimin is growing fond of the younger girl's deep morning voice.

"Hi." Jimin shyly responded and watched as Minjeong continued cooking.

Minjeong let the oats boil and turned around to wrap her arms around Jimin's neck.

"I was meaning to ask you this earlier, but you were teasing me too much. Did you sleep well?" Minjeong asked.

Jimin nodded and smiled as she leaned her forehead against Minjeong's.

"To be honest, I woke up at like 6 and found you sleeping like this." Minjeong held a confused look and pulled slightly apart. "But it was more like this." Jimin leaned down more and leaned both her forehead and nose on Minjeong's.

"Oh gosh, did I really? You must've been uncomfortable." Minjeong said and held an apologetic look.

Jimin shook her head and smiled. "It was cute. I really liked it."

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