Chapter 28 (Last Chapter)

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Minjeong woke up from her slumber and frowned at the cold bed.

"Rina?" Minjeong called out in her raspy voice. Hearing no response, she carefully got up and ignored the aching near her ribs as she pushed herself off the bed to stand up. Slowly, she went out of the room and a cold breeze suddenly hit her. She frowned as she wasn't able to create some heat by rubbing her arms and she wasn't wearing anything warm. "Seulgi unnie?" She called again, looking around the house.

Minjeong grew confused and sadly sighed. Finally, she decided the head downstairs and continue her search.

Once she looked in the living room, she saw two figures hovering over a pile of bodies. She quietly walked up to the scene and gasped at the sight. All her friends, Seulgi, and Jimin were unconscious with bruises all over their faces.

"Ah, it's good to see that our Minjeong is now awake." One of the figures said. They turned around and Minjeong's eyes widened again.

"What? Shocked to see your parents?" Mr. Kim said with a smirk. "Oh, you've found the bodies." He sarcastically remarked. "Just remember this is all your fault. We saw that you were getting distracted and we knew what's best for you. Now come! We're finding you a new trainer and you're going back to the states." Mr. Kim aggressively walked towards Minjeong and gripped onto her wrist.

She tried to go towards Jimin, but she was caught."Jimin! Jimin!" Minjeong desperately cried out. She resisted against Mr. Kim's grip as her vision blurred with tears.

"Minjeong! Minjeong!"

Minjeong jolted awake and shook in fear. She felt a soft pressure on her nose and forehead as someone was softly cooing to calm her down.

"It's okay. You're safe with me now." Jimin said and continued to caress Minjeong's cheek while also wiping away some tears.

Minjeong calmed down and put some distance between them to look at Jimin.

"I'm sorry." Minjeong said.

Jimin shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You weren't supposed to see that." Minjeong said, remembering how she acts whenever those dreams enter her mind.

"Hey, don't worry. You have me and I'm not leaving you anymore." Jimin smiled and kissed the tip of Minjeong's nose.

"I know." Minjeong simply muttered and got lost in Jimin's eyes. "It's just...I can't seem to make them go away. My parents keep showing up and they keep taunting me. Am I-"

"No, you're not. They're going to pay for everything they did and I'm going to make sure of it." Jimin kissed Minjeong's forehead and let her lips linger there for a moment. Then, she sat up and stared at Minjeong. "Come. There's a little surprise for you downstairs."

Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows as she slowly sat up.

"What?" Minjeong asked as she took the blanket off her legs.

Jimin simply smiled without answering and went by Minjeong's side to help her up. Carefully, they walked out and downstairs to a dark living room. Minjeong tried to adjust her eyes to the dark setting and saw a small light emitting from the dining room. She turned around to look at Jimin for any hints, but the latter just kept a soft smile on her face.

As Minjeong turned the corner, she was surprised to see all her friends, Karina's parents, and Seulgi gathered together as Ryujin walked up to her with a cake.

"HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY MINJEONG!" Everyone shouted together. Minjeong grinned at the sight as tears formed in her eyes.

"Happy birthday to you

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