Chapter 12

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It's been a couple weeks now and the girls have all gotten even closer to Minjeong. Who knew a new addition to the group wouldn't be so bad after all.

Jimin and Minjeong are also sailing in a stable fashion together behind the public's eye and the two are diligently training, although only one knows the full truth.

Fortunately, Jimin's parents were approving of their relationship which meant the two could drop each other off after their morning runs.

It was the Friday before a long weekend and the girls were given a break from practice. Everything was going swell up until this moment.

"Jimin, let's date." Somi said as she looked dead into Karina's eyes.

Jimin spit out the water she was drinking onto Aeri. She sent an apologetic look but the girl just sent a quick glare back before Yizhuo started helping her dry off.

The girls were currently seated at one of the cafeteria tables, but the other four girls were at another table.

"Why all of a sudden? I thought you were homophobic and did you forget what happened?" Jimin said, while crossing her arms as protection.

"Oh don't worry. I'm not into you. I just wanted to have a new form of entertainment. You see, Jimin? I'm getting bored of seeing the same old Jimin that breaks the hearts of boys. I want to see something new." Somi said while smirking and challenging Jimin.

"What are you planning?" Jimin said with much hatred in her voice.

"Calm down tiger, it's nothing big." Somi started as she leaned over the table with her arms crossed on top of it. She peered her view towards something behind Jimin and smiled as she saw her target. "There. The one with long, blonde hair."

The girls turned around and went wide-eyed as they saw the other four girls sitting and chatting with smiles on their faces. The shocking part was that Somi was referring to Minjeong and a bad feeling grew in all of them.

"What about her, Somi?" Jisu asked while trying to hide her trembling voice.

"I have a feeling she's growing fond of our Jimin here and I don't like it. She's obviously a lesbian or at least bi, seeing the way she defended the other two gays at that table so I'm doing something about it." Somi said and the girls whipped their heads back to the girl with growing nerves.

"What is it?" Yuna said as she grew impatient and wasn't liking that smirk on Somi's face.

"Jimin, go out with me for a month. It'll be over just in time for you to focus on the upcoming finals and for your match. All you have to do is act like you're in a relationship with me. After school, you must be in the school library unless you have tutoring or practice, just to make sure you aren't meeting up with her. And if you or any of you ever tell her about this little deal, then say goodbye to their education." Somi said and laughed. "Oh my gosh, just imagine it, one senior and three juniors kicked out of school right before winter break. Think it'll be pretty for their college applications?" Somi chuckled even more and wiped her nonexistent tears.

"Okay, we get it Somi." Jimin said and wanted the girl to finish quickly before she threw up in disgust.

"Now, after that's up, in return, I'll let you and the gays live the rest of high school in peace without me. I know how long you've been wanting me to go, but I thought the torture was fun."

"Is that all?" Jimin asked. Somi nodded and Jimin sighed. She took a glance at the other girls at their table that held sad and worried faces. "You have a deal, but I have some conditions. No skin ship or dates."

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